Thursday, 1 May 2008


Do you ever wonder why things turn out the way they do? We very often sail along for a time and when something out of the norm happens which blesses us so much,then you can be sure that there'll be a huge mountain waiting for us to climb around the next corner. I've felt a bit like this over the past few days, however, I persevered with an issue and refused to let it beat me and I'm pleased to say that keeping focused and persevering paid off.
If only we would apply this principle to our spiritual lives too, what blessings would abound. Many of us say "Don't pick me for that job in church, I could never do that", or something to that effect. When in truth, we need to stand firm, ask God to show us what we can do for Him and let nothing move us.Giving ourselves fully to the work of the Lord,because we know that our labour in the Lord is not in vain".

1 Corinthians.15.58.

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