Wednesday 28 May 2008


I've taken this notion that the inside of school needs a complete makeover and indeed it does.All the staff agree that it's well overdue a good lick of paint, as it's been years since the men in white came, although husband and secretary might say they should have been here sooner, given some of the decisions I make.( I'm joking of course). Anyway, now that we've agreed a price and starting date, let the grand clearing begin. It sounds all very well, but where are we to store everything? and have we really thought out how inconvenient it's all gonna be over the next month?
Anyway, the notion of it all overwhelmed me today, given everything else school wise that has to be done over the next while........
However, my level headed, spiritual secretary gently and knowingly said in her own way, today,
"It'll be alright, we'll just take it a bit at a time, you'll see".
How I needed those words of reassurance this morning. It had an immediate calming effect on me, by letting me know that I shouldn't panic, it'll all get done.
God speaks like this to us too, if we let Him.We may feel overwhelmed by something which we're facing in life. It all consumes us and we can't see how we can cope. We need to let Him carry us through our difficulties, a little bit at a time, all the while giving us enough strength and grace to meet our every need.

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