Friday 16 May 2008


A little lad from my class brought a present into school. He'd been at our local agricultural show and managed to pick up a few goodies before going home, as ye do when you're eight years old. This one was an orange stress ball with a great big smile on it. He told me that you squeeze it when you feel angry to get rid of your rage and apparently it allievates any stress you may be feeling. I brought it into assembly this morning and showed the children the big smile. We certainly didn't need it in school today, as the singing was mighty and the children were already smiling their heads off because they love singing their favourite worship songs.We're blessed to know that we don't need an orange ball to get rid of our stress. We simply need to give it all over to God and believe that He can help us through any difficult situation which we might face. The verse on my desk pad for today reinforces this message--

"My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you."
2 Corinthians. 12:9.

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