Thursday 22 May 2008


I'm getting a little tired of people telling me that I must be winding down at this time of year. I've never been busier.Exams are now over but the mammoth task of report writing weighs heavily on our minds. Our reports are very detailed, because we believe that we need to inform parents properly and tell them how their child has been getting on throughout the year.For example, what does "Good" tell you? we'd rather know exactly how well things are going and if there are any pointers for improvement. So we need to be completely honest in our opinions and yet choose our words graciously.
There's a lesson for us all here. We can apply this to our everyday lives, especially when we interact with others. May we be gracious and honest in all our dealings and may we be accepting when others are honest with us.
I was pleased to be able to tell my children they had nothing more to revise and they could rest tonight. Their little smiling faces said it all. They eagerly await their results now, so let's always be honest and "say everything we have to say in gracious love".

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