Tuesday 20 May 2008


I watched about ten minutes of a programme last night, in which Sarah, Duchess of York went to live for a week with a family from Hull.I suppose it didn't really capture my attention that much and it certainly didn't get off to a good start, considering the family didn't even recognise her.That can't have done her ego much good. But just before I changed channels, I heard her talk about how she got up every morning to a sense of darkness around her and in order to get rid of it, she simply had to have a rigorous workout and then a bath full of ice cubes. Sounds like torture to me. She seemed to be a very sad individual who craves positive comments from all around her, especially the media. There's somebody who you'd think had so much going for her, but in effect she has so little happiness in her life. Do we really know what's behind any one's false smile?
We're so blessed tonight to know that we have everlasting hope and joy through trusting in Jesus. He loves us with an everlasting love.

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are." 1 John 3: 1.

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