Saturday, 10 May 2008


Jon said goodbye to his piano pupils this morning, as he's getting ready for exams and then Ecuador.I tried to put myself in his position and thought of all the changes this would mean for him. He will be leaving family and friends, indeed everything familiar. Things of sentimental value would all stay behind, like his precious electric piano. It's hard for us to give up " stuff". Yet when God asks us to follow him, He prepares us for everything that lies ahead and he loosens our grip on even material possessions.
I was struck today as Ian's sister talked about the difficult task of clearing out her best friend's house following her death. She said that no-one wants second hand stuff nowadays and things that we hoard that are dear to us, well, we have to all leave them one day. This sheds new light on everything, surely. "Let's not store up treasures here on earth and let's realise that we have to lose our lives in order to find them".
I'm blessed tonight, that God teaches me so much every single day.

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