Saturday, 31 May 2008


I woke up this morning at 5:00am, worrying I suppose,about today's lunch. Would anyone come? Would there be enough food?etc, etc.I panicked a bit, as the first lunch guest arrived.Then I simply had to trust, try and forget my nerves and just get on with things.We had a steady stream of people traffic for well over two hours and everything went very well indeed. We had a wonderful time of food and fellowship and I felt so blessed.
I couldn't hold back the tears when we eventually got everything cleared up and arrived home, because we were overwhelmed by peoples' generosity and God's continued faith fullness. Jon's fundraiser was a wonderful experience and I will always be thankful to God for the way it all came together so perfectly.
I'm annoyed with myself for my attitude of panic this morning and simply say,

" Dear Lord, please forgive my unbelief".

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