Sunday 4 May 2008


It's May and I look around me today and growth outdoors seems to be somewhat delayed. We have apple trees everywhere around our little village and although today is traditionally known as "Apple blossom Sunday", the blossom is only just starting to form. We've had a very wet spell of weather and it feels more like March than May. However, today the sun shone and every one's mood seemed to change. While out in the car, I noticed that people sat outdoors to chat for the first time this year , I suppose. The weather is on the turn I hear and suddenly we can move from the confines of our living rooms into the fresh air and engage in "The great outdoors".It's important for us to realise that our mood changes dramatically when we let "The Son" shine right into our lives. He gives us a new, fresh vision and is able to rectify the problem of our delayed spiritual growth. Through continually focusing on Him, we too can begin to "blossom". I feel blessed tonight by realising the truth in the above words and pray that I can not only blossom but bear fruit also.

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