Saturday 17 May 2008


Ian and I went to a barbecue tonight. It was run by the missionary organisation which Jon goes away with in the summer-OMS. We had a good time, as we met folk who had been on mission trips already and we also listened to Jon telling others how he felt called to go in the first place.It was lovely to share fellowship with people we knew and some we were meeting for the first time.We watched two very moving dvd presentations about mission work and the first one had a particularly moving start.It began with three young people standing motionless at the edge of (what I didn't realise was) quite a big drop. They looked at each other and then, jumped. This opening shot had a big impact, exactly as it was supposed to, in that it encapsulated stepping out into the world of mission. We need to "take the plunge" for Jesus, if we mean to be a serious follower. Remember, He may not call us all to Mexico, Africa or even Ecuador, but we all have some sort of mission work to do and that could even be on our own doorstep.
I wonder if we're ready to serve!

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