Monday 26 May 2008


Today was a Bank Holiday.Most people had a day off work. We managed to get some overdue jobs done and I feel the better for that. Somehow, we don't like to waste time when we know there's stuff to be done and we don't always feel like doing it when we come home tired from a long day at work. May is slowly slipping away and we're all starting to think about making preparations for summer holidays. I can't believe how quickly time goes these days, did we really even live through each day?( as one week runs headlong into another). I'm getting more and more conscious of the need to make every day count and I know that having undergone many changes over the last two years, I'm on the threshold of yet more, with Jon heading away for a year, very soon.
I have to reach out further into God's wide open arms. I feel Him calling me to stretch just a step more.I'm gonna do all I can to content myself for today and yet hold my hands wide open for tomorrow and be ready to do or go as He calls.

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