Tuesday, 6 May 2008


I think it's such a blessing when we look back over situations in our lives that we can see evidence of God at work, because we know that without Him things would not have turned out the way they have. As I am reminiscing tonight I'm thrilled to think of past events which clearly point this out to me.We struggle with problem after problem and try to work things out on our own, when really God just wants us to trust Him more, rely fully on Him and believe in our hearts that He knows what's best for us. This very evening I've had the joy of bringing important good news to a person about a certain situation and the greatest blessing for us both was to be able to recognise that God's hand was upon the whole situation all along.
If you struggle tonight with something, I urge you to hand it over to God and you will be amazed at the lessons you learn on your daily journey.Try your best to keep a positive perspective on things and believe that whatever happens, God knows what's best for us!

The Almighty says: "See if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it". Malachi.3:10.

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