Monday, 12 May 2008


I went to see a teacher teach an infant class today. I had to write up a report as part of her induction year in our school. It wasn't a difficult thing to do on a Monday morning, as she was so well organised in advance. Her careful preparation meant that the lesson ran smoothly, was interesting and catered for the needs of all the children in her care. It ran like clockwork and the teacher was able to relax and enjoy the lesson. This is exactly how it ought to be.
There's a lesson for us all in this. We can't expect to do anything effectively for God if we have not put in proper planning and careful preparation. He deserves our best efforts and we needn't think that we can fool Him for one moment. When we come to serve God, we realise that everything we do should bring Him glory. So let's take the task seriously and know that if we do His blessings will reign down upon us.

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