Monday 2 June 2008


A traveling theatre group visited school this morning to entertain our children.The actors and actresses were very professional and captivated their little audience for over an hour. Their play finished on a moral note, in that we all were reminded that "true happiness can be experienced when we show love and compassion to others".
I wonder are we captivated by God's word today?Is our minister able to hold our attention when he passionately delivers the gospel?Or do our minds wander a bit?I feel blessed to have a minister who is always faithful to the preaching of the word and when he speaks, we lose ourselves in the scriptures.
Secondly, I ask myself today, am I showing enough love and compassion to others?
I pray tonight, that God will lead me to those who need me to reach out to them at this moment in time, because of something they're going through.

Oh, that we could all say like Paul,
"I have learned the secret of being happy at any time in everything that happens". Philippians4.12.

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