Saturday 28 June 2008


Today has been a difficult one. Friends and relatives have called to say their goodbyes to Jon. The packing has been done and now he faces his last night at home before leaving for Ecuador tomorrow. I'm fighting back the tears and every phone call and text sets me off. We can't help feeling all the natural human emotions.
Yet in the midst of everything, I am blessed to know that God makes His presence so real. I turned the key in the ignition of the car this morning and the Michael W Smith track, "Draw me close to you" rang out. Then tonight, Ian was tidying some paper work when he found a note in my handwriting-
"I will never leave you "366 times, it said. This means that it appears in scripture in various different forms, that often. Those words came at just the right time tonight to bolster up our family. God knows exactly how we feel and is always there to guide , strengthen and encourage.

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