Monday, 30 June 2008


School's out at last and the signs of freedom are in the air. Deadlines are over and suddenly nobody is expecting me to be in a certain place at a certain time and doing a certain thing. I feel I have come to the end of my blogging for the next while and I look forward to a good rest. I'm thankful to God for helping me keep up this discipline for nearly a year now and I feel that my faith has grown deeper because of this. I thank you for tuning in and will pray that God will clearly show me the next step He wants me to take. I feel blessed to be able to relax my body and mind and will remain obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading in my life. Wishing you God's richest blessing in the months that lie ahead or until we meet here again.

'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself' (Matthew 6:34)

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