Wednesday, 23 January 2008


Stress is a word I never used to know years ago and now I use it frequently.Everyone seems to be suffering from it,no matter what their job is and television is full of ways to deal with it.A little bit is healthy,but too much can stop us from functioning properly on a day to day basis.Even last week my two year old nephew seemed to have a touch of it,as he told his mum to "give him a break" in the nicest possible way of course.(Now where did he hear that one?)I never cease to be amazed at how times have changed and wonder how our grandparents ever got by.Maybe life was a little bit slower then,but maybe they just weren't as vocal as we are.Anyway,whether we like it or not,due to the lifestyle we lead nowadays,it looks like stress is here to stay.Being positive at all times and trusting in God to help us face each day is the way forward I believe and as I've been reading tonight about this very subject,it seems clear to me that God and God alone can turn our "stressing into blessing". Now,there's a major positive statement for a start!

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