Monday 21 January 2008


I didn't know anything about it until I came into work this morning and a friend told me that it had been reported on the News that today was the most depressing day of the year.Apparently this is the day when people are confronted with their Christmas debts.The broadcaster had suggested ways of alleviating the heavy feelings.You could wear a colourful shirt or blouse to work to brighten your day,or you could do a "random act of kindness for someone",thus making them and you feel better and so on.
I believe that if you find yourself depressed tonight,the best thing you can do is share your troubles with someone you trust and have total confidence in.It's a tremendous blessing to read the following verse over and over again,and believe that God is always true to His word.

"Do not fear,for I am with you;do not be dismayed,for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you;I will uphold you with my righteous right hand". Isaiah.41.10.

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