Thursday 24 January 2008


I couldn't even begin to tell you the number of times I've tried to make the perfect pavlova over the years.It got so bad at one stage that the family used to ask me why I didn't just throw the eggs straight into the bin,without going to all the needless effort of whipping them.I blamed the ingredients,the oven the whisk and so on and it didn't really occur to me that maybe I should shoulder a little of the blame.Even my children in school asked their parents for fool proof recipes in the hope that one day I would truly succeed and I did,eventually.
I needed a pavlova for a party tomorrow night and my mind began to run riot.Could I risk the humiliation if I tried again and failed?I resigned myself to buying one tomorrow and sparing myself the pain,but something tugged at me tonight and I had to have another go.It worked and boy am I relieved.
God never promised that "walking the walk" would be easy,quite the reverse.But we're blessed tonight to know that He's in control of every part of our journey to eventually be with Him and it's up to us to persevere.

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