Sunday 20 January 2008


I saw my little nephew and niece today.I think I've told you about them before.The little lad is now 2 1/2 years old and his little sister is 7 months.It's so funny to watch them interact.She fixes her gaze on him and no matter what he does,well it's just magic to her.She chuckles wildly and even more loudly when she sees him push the boundaries to the absolute limit and he just loves an audience.I wonder today who our role model is.Who do we take our lead from?Who do we admire and long to be like?
My nephew is happy to perform,yet if we draw attention to him and ask him to do something in a certain way then he stops the impromptu show immediately.Even at such an early age we are in control of our actions and have free will to chose between right and wrong.
How often we do the things which we know we ought not to do and that which we should do,well,we just don't.
We're blessed today to know that our Heavenly Father is the one who can keep us on the right track and disciplines us in love to help us grow,in the same way an earthly father disciplines a son because he loves him.

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