Wednesday, 30 January 2008


We live high on a hill and tonight the wind is whistling all around the house.I was trying to decide between a walk and a bath and after hearing the wind,well it wasn't a hard decision.I've just been reading some miracles of Jesus to my class and let's try for a minute,to imagine what it would have been like to have been out on the sea of Gallilee when the terrible storm blew up,or to have been Peter,tentatively putting a foot out onto the water.Peter was fine as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus,but as soon as he looked down,he began to falter and sink.
It was a real blessing that many young children in my class could explain in simple childlike terms that we all need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we go through each day and if we look away,then that's when things start to go wrong for us.

The verse which tells us that "A little child shall lead them" couldn't be more true.

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