Friday, 25 January 2008


We had a party for my mum tonight and as there are three daughters,we all agreed on a different course to prepare and the evening was a great success.Time flew as we shared memories and generally had good craic around the dining room table with members of mum's family.It's a good idea to share the whole responsibility of the food for a party,as no-one gets stressed out or overloaded and everything turns out to be really relaxed.I know this kind of thing happens a lot nowadays and some folk even visit different houses to enjoy their different courses.Dining has become something of an event and restaurants are popping up everywhere. People like nothing better than to sit for hours around a table and share with their friends.
It's also such a great blessing for believers to come to the table before Christ in reverence and share in the sacrament of Holy Communion together.The personal reflection time is so special.I guess it's the best kind of sharing of all.

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