Monday, 28 January 2008


While studying in History today what it was like to go to school many years ago,my class found it very hard to believe that children used to sit in class according to the results of their weekly test.In other words, everyone could at a glance work out who the clever children were and then obviously who was having difficulty with their work.Thankfully this no longer is the case and we certainly don't make use of the dunce's hat any more.Children were very often belittled by the teacher in front of others and this frequently led to low self esteem.Nowadays,we treat children fairly,they have a voice which we listen to and we care about how they perceive themselves.We do whatever we can to make each one feel valued and constantly praise positive behaviour.All in all school is a much happier place to be than in the so called "good old days".
We're blessed tonight to realise that God cares for us all.He has no favourites and I'm sure when we go to be with Him in Heaven,He'll not say,"Presbyterians to the left,Baptists over there,Methodists back there etc,etc.You see God makes no differences!

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