Wednesday 2 January 2008


A dear friend sneaked a lovely wee calendar into her Christmas present for me.She knows I write this blog and the calendar is called "Bottomless Blessings"how appropriate,I thought.From time to time,I'm sure you'll get a gem or two from it.Each month has a different kind of coffee painting with a verse to meditate on and the whole month in days below.They all look so inviting and I reckon it's a good idea to mull over God's word when enjoying your coffee break.January's verse states,

"Dear friends,let us love one another,for love comes from God.Everyone who loves knows God".
1 John.4.v.7.

Let's go into this new year and make a real effort to Show God's love to each other.Now there's a challenge and it's something we can all do!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Wow! Thankyou for helping to restore the joy of knowing the newness and freshness of His love and blessing day by day,and for gently encouraging me by infecting me with your enthusiasm and hunger to know God in the every day ordinary things of life. The resting is over for a while!!