Saturday, 12 January 2008


This morning was cold and frosty and just perfect for a walk round the lake.So after getting suitably layered Ian and I set off.We soon came upon a group of fishermen taking part in a competition and one had just caught a 9lb13oz pike.They chatted to us and asked me to hold it for a photograph,reminding me to be quietly confident and if it wriggled to hold firm.I love fish,cooked on a plate that is and had never held one but,hey why not.It was an amazing catch and we'd just arrived on the scene at the right moment.After,they threw the pike back into the lake to comply with competition rules.
I was excited by this morning's events and challenged also.I'm reminded that God calls us to be "Fishers of men",but not just to stop there.The pike went back to it's old life quite happily.When we tell others and have the privilege of leading them to Christ,we must continue to care for them and nurture them,so that they don't feel the desire to return to their old ways.
The fishermen kept saying to us this morning,"You've made it along here at just the perfect moment."I'm blessed that God picked that moment to really make me think.

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