Thursday, 10 January 2008


I attended another funeral today which took me back to my home town and I saw folk I hadn't seen for at least twenty-five years.I realised how time had changed them and me and though I recognised many,some names had slipped from my mind.I feel more and more at recent funerals I've attended,that they are truly celebrations of life.It's a wonderful thing to celebrate a life lived well,a life lived for God.My mother-in-law talked to me when on her death bed nearly two years ago,of simply stepping across the line to meet her loved ones and I saw in her,a sense of peace and calm anticipation,even in the approach of death.It affected me so much that I'll never forget it.
Today I saw a family grieve,yet rejoice in that they were completely sure their loved one was in a far better place.What a blessing!I came home and read a daily calendar on our desk which stated-

"We are not happy here because we are not home here.....We will have our moments of joy...But they simply do not compare with the happiness that lies ahead."

"My kingdom does not belong to this world".John.18.36.

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