Thursday, 31 January 2008


Tonight was a bitterly cold and miserable one and it would have been tempting to snuggle up in the house and light a few scented candles.However,we'd promised to attend an evening function and even though it's very likely that in a "full house"we'd never have been missed, it's important to show people your support and keep true to your word.It turned out to be an enjoyable evening and we are glad we went.But more to the point,when we remember how folk support us, we're glad to be able to be depended on also.
It's a blessing to know that God is always true to His word-faithful in every way.

"Your love , O Lord, reaches to the Heavens, your faithfulness to the skies". Psalm.36.v.5.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008


We live high on a hill and tonight the wind is whistling all around the house.I was trying to decide between a walk and a bath and after hearing the wind,well it wasn't a hard decision.I've just been reading some miracles of Jesus to my class and let's try for a minute,to imagine what it would have been like to have been out on the sea of Gallilee when the terrible storm blew up,or to have been Peter,tentatively putting a foot out onto the water.Peter was fine as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus,but as soon as he looked down,he began to falter and sink.
It was a real blessing that many young children in my class could explain in simple childlike terms that we all need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we go through each day and if we look away,then that's when things start to go wrong for us.

The verse which tells us that "A little child shall lead them" couldn't be more true.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008


I was doing a bit of cleaning around the house tonight and I noticed a tiny place where the paint work looked a bit dull.I went to a cupboard and managed to find a small pot of the correct colour and a little pastry brush(not used in cookery,I hasten to add)and in two minutes I'd managed to freshen up the small area that I came upon from time to time which really used to get to me and suddenly it looked good as new.I repremanded myself for taking so long to do something so easy.
Isn't that a bit like us,tonight?We know the parts of our lives that need a freshen up and we know how easy it would be to put things right,but we just never manage to get round to it.
If we are to shine as"bright lights" in a dark world,we need to get rid of anything that makes us look jaded.We need to freshen up our outlook from time to time.We need to make the Christian message relevant to all ages in 2008,so our presentation to others requires a fresh commitment.

Monday, 28 January 2008


While studying in History today what it was like to go to school many years ago,my class found it very hard to believe that children used to sit in class according to the results of their weekly test.In other words, everyone could at a glance work out who the clever children were and then obviously who was having difficulty with their work.Thankfully this no longer is the case and we certainly don't make use of the dunce's hat any more.Children were very often belittled by the teacher in front of others and this frequently led to low self esteem.Nowadays,we treat children fairly,they have a voice which we listen to and we care about how they perceive themselves.We do whatever we can to make each one feel valued and constantly praise positive behaviour.All in all school is a much happier place to be than in the so called "good old days".
We're blessed tonight to realise that God cares for us all.He has no favourites and I'm sure when we go to be with Him in Heaven,He'll not say,"Presbyterians to the left,Baptists over there,Methodists back there etc,etc.You see God makes no differences!

Sunday, 27 January 2008


Tonight after church,a friend showed us his new mobile phone.He could just about do anything with it.For the non-technically minded like myself,it simply "blew me away".I forgot to ask him if it could help him make the perfect pavlova.Seriously,though,I watched in amazement as he explained his new gadget to an interested gathering.His face lit up as he proceeded with the demonstration and we could quite happily be still standing there,such was his enthusiasm for his phone.I couldn't help thinking that a phone like that would have been wasted on me,as it would possibly lie in the corner and if I did get around to using it,well,it would only be for my very limited use.Ye see,I'm not interested enough in mobile phones to read a manual carefully in order to summon up "google earth".Yet I marvel at those who can and am happy to acknowledge their interests and use of their gifts.His phone in his hands,not mine, could do wonderful things,such was the quality of photographs etc, he could send to his friends.
Let's all encourage each other in the days ahead,in our many and diversified gifts.
God has made us all so different and we can ask Him to reveal to us exactly what we can do which will give glory to Him and encouragement to each other.

Saturday, 26 January 2008


I know I've mentioned my little nephew to you before and I just have to do so again,as today I did another spot of child minding.It's fun to listen to him talk as he's picking up so many new words and virtually everything I said today,he repeated.He knows that when he imitates someone it's usually good for a laugh and so he listens attentively to conversations, ready to pick up on a word or two.I realised today how easy it would be for a child to learn the wrong kinds of words and have come to know,that if a child in my school says something that they shouldn't,well they're simply repeating what they have heard and sadly often at home.
We have a saying in the country,which goes like this,
"He didn't pick it up off the ground".

The bible clearly tells us-"Be ye imitators of Christ".He's the best role model and the only one worth imitating.

Friday, 25 January 2008


We had a party for my mum tonight and as there are three daughters,we all agreed on a different course to prepare and the evening was a great success.Time flew as we shared memories and generally had good craic around the dining room table with members of mum's family.It's a good idea to share the whole responsibility of the food for a party,as no-one gets stressed out or overloaded and everything turns out to be really relaxed.I know this kind of thing happens a lot nowadays and some folk even visit different houses to enjoy their different courses.Dining has become something of an event and restaurants are popping up everywhere. People like nothing better than to sit for hours around a table and share with their friends.
It's also such a great blessing for believers to come to the table before Christ in reverence and share in the sacrament of Holy Communion together.The personal reflection time is so special.I guess it's the best kind of sharing of all.

Thursday, 24 January 2008


I couldn't even begin to tell you the number of times I've tried to make the perfect pavlova over the years.It got so bad at one stage that the family used to ask me why I didn't just throw the eggs straight into the bin,without going to all the needless effort of whipping them.I blamed the ingredients,the oven the whisk and so on and it didn't really occur to me that maybe I should shoulder a little of the blame.Even my children in school asked their parents for fool proof recipes in the hope that one day I would truly succeed and I did,eventually.
I needed a pavlova for a party tomorrow night and my mind began to run riot.Could I risk the humiliation if I tried again and failed?I resigned myself to buying one tomorrow and sparing myself the pain,but something tugged at me tonight and I had to have another go.It worked and boy am I relieved.
God never promised that "walking the walk" would be easy,quite the reverse.But we're blessed tonight to know that He's in control of every part of our journey to eventually be with Him and it's up to us to persevere.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008


Stress is a word I never used to know years ago and now I use it frequently.Everyone seems to be suffering from it,no matter what their job is and television is full of ways to deal with it.A little bit is healthy,but too much can stop us from functioning properly on a day to day basis.Even last week my two year old nephew seemed to have a touch of it,as he told his mum to "give him a break" in the nicest possible way of course.(Now where did he hear that one?)I never cease to be amazed at how times have changed and wonder how our grandparents ever got by.Maybe life was a little bit slower then,but maybe they just weren't as vocal as we are.Anyway,whether we like it or not,due to the lifestyle we lead nowadays,it looks like stress is here to stay.Being positive at all times and trusting in God to help us face each day is the way forward I believe and as I've been reading tonight about this very subject,it seems clear to me that God and God alone can turn our "stressing into blessing". Now,there's a major positive statement for a start!

Tuesday, 22 January 2008


I met an old friend today who said she'd been texting me off and on to try and reach me.I hadn't received the messages as I'd changed my phone number and therefore wasn't able to encourage her amidst difficult times of suffering in the way I would have liked to.I was pleased that she completely understood and we hope to make up for lost time.
We're blessed tonight to know how fortunate we are when we need to get a message to God.We can just go straight there.

Isaiah .58.9. promises,
"Then you will call,and the Lord will answer".

Let's put down the mobile,the TV remote control or anything else which could distract us and enjoy direct access to our Heavenly Father right now.

Monday, 21 January 2008


I didn't know anything about it until I came into work this morning and a friend told me that it had been reported on the News that today was the most depressing day of the year.Apparently this is the day when people are confronted with their Christmas debts.The broadcaster had suggested ways of alleviating the heavy feelings.You could wear a colourful shirt or blouse to work to brighten your day,or you could do a "random act of kindness for someone",thus making them and you feel better and so on.
I believe that if you find yourself depressed tonight,the best thing you can do is share your troubles with someone you trust and have total confidence in.It's a tremendous blessing to read the following verse over and over again,and believe that God is always true to His word.

"Do not fear,for I am with you;do not be dismayed,for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you;I will uphold you with my righteous right hand". Isaiah.41.10.

Sunday, 20 January 2008


I saw my little nephew and niece today.I think I've told you about them before.The little lad is now 2 1/2 years old and his little sister is 7 months.It's so funny to watch them interact.She fixes her gaze on him and no matter what he does,well it's just magic to her.She chuckles wildly and even more loudly when she sees him push the boundaries to the absolute limit and he just loves an audience.I wonder today who our role model is.Who do we take our lead from?Who do we admire and long to be like?
My nephew is happy to perform,yet if we draw attention to him and ask him to do something in a certain way then he stops the impromptu show immediately.Even at such an early age we are in control of our actions and have free will to chose between right and wrong.
How often we do the things which we know we ought not to do and that which we should do,well,we just don't.
We're blessed today to know that our Heavenly Father is the one who can keep us on the right track and disciplines us in love to help us grow,in the same way an earthly father disciplines a son because he loves him.

Saturday, 19 January 2008


Tonight,I went to hear The New Irish Choir.As one of our sons joined two years ago,we like to go along to their concerts from time to time.The musical repertoire of this group is so vast that no one is ever disappointed,as there is something to touch every one's heart.The music ranges from 14th century to modern day worship,madrigals to songs from West End musicals.In everything God is exalted and you can even sing along at times if you wish.This reminded me today, that we have so many different personalities and all so much to bring to our churches and just as the different types of music gel together to praise The One True God,we must remember at all times there is room for us all.It's not about one person being more important than another.It's about us all being part of the body of Christ.Now that's something to sing about!

Friday, 18 January 2008


The newsreader revealed the results of a survey yesterday,of what young ladies deemed to be the requirements for the ideal,perspective husband.It's been a topic for conversation today,I might add and my friend and I are simply amazed at how fickle the modern woman has turned out to be.A majority said that their ideal husband should be a doctor or lawyer,live in a 300 thousand pound house,drive an expensive car (which would give out the wealthy signals) oh and be tall as well.Not one mention was made of inner qualities.Maybe this is what's wrong with society today.I keep saying in my blog,from time to time,that as I get older,I realise that the most important things in life are those which money can't buy.
I'm blessed today,when I think of Jesus,the carpenter's son.Now there's "The perfect sinless man."

Thursday, 17 January 2008


Today a major plane crash made the headlines.The passenger jet had been travelling from China and was just about to touch down at Heathrow Airport when both engines failed.Miraculously,the pilot in charge managed to avert the impending danger and everyone was saved.It's a real conversation piece today and I'm sure for a long time to come.
Imagine the scene,the air crew tell everyone to fasten safety belts ready for landing.People think about the loved ones waiting to meet them,etc.So near,yet so far,really.
It makes me sad to think of folk we know who don't acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Saviour.They go to all the right places,say and do respectable things,yet they haven't come to the point of realisation in their lives that it's not enough.Maybe they are afraid that leading this new life will require more of themselves than they are prepared to give at this moment in time.I'm blessed today to know that making the move to serve Jesus opens the door to a life which is more fulfilling than we could ever imagine and gives us the sure and certain promise of an afterlife in His presence.
Remember,when you think you've landed,be careful,you might not have arrived just yet!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008


Today my class was set the task of retelling an old folk tale about a wolf and a rabbit for a creative writing task.Basically,the wolf was lying helpless,with a big stone pinned to his back,when a rabbit came and somehow removed it.Then by way of thanks,the wolf decided he would eat the rabbit.A clever duck came to the rescue and you'll be pleased to know that the rabbit escaped to safety.
One little boy brought the story bang up to date and the rabbit was able to contact the duck on his mobile phone to let him know about the impending danger.Now,how clever was that?It was exactly the same story,but delivered with a modern twist,one which totally enthralled the children.
I'm reminded tonight,that we have a wonderful message to tell others.It's the message of the gospel.This message has never changed down through the ages,but it's up to us to deliver it in such a way that it is still appealing to people in 2008.This does not mean watering down the content,but simply being conscious of the audience we're reaching.Surely God deserves that we rise to this challenge!

Tuesday, 15 January 2008


I was just thinking about how infectious a smile is and I immediately thought of a friend with a happy disposition, who welcomes folk at the door of our church.He spends his time smiling as he greets people.He rings up to ask after your health if you're not at church and things wouldn't be the same if his smiley face didn't meet you every Sunday.
He told us all the other day he just likes people in general and said that he loves to see them smile.What a gift!
I wonder if we ever stopped to think how each time we let a smile spread across our lips,it lights up the face and heart of someone else.We can all do it well and we don't even have to think about it.I'm blessed tonight to know that God is always with me and I hope the way I live each day causes Him to smile down on me.

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful".Proverbs .15.13.

Monday, 14 January 2008


I went to the dentist today.I suppose it was painless enough really,as it was only a check up and a quick clean.But ye see my fear of dentists is deep seated.I had difficult experiences as a child,with an old-fashioned dentist who kinda pulled and hauled at your teeth with all his might.So for years I've told the dentists in my practice that I'd sooner have a baby than endure the removal of teeth and often sit with fear and trepidation in the big,black chair.I always close my eyes and hold onto the sides and when the drill starts up,I give a little jump.Then I try my best to relax and it's never as bad as I build it up in my mind to be.
It's so hard to let go of the past and many of us have painful memories in one area or another.But,we're blessed tonight to know that God wants every good thing for His children.You may feel that there is something which happened in your past and it is stopping you from moving forward and enjoying the "Here and now" the way God means you to. Bring it to Him tonight and He'll help you move forward.

"Repent,then,and turn to God,so that your sins may be wiped out,that times of refreshing may come from the Lord". Acts.3.19.

Sunday, 13 January 2008


I took my mum shopping yesterday and as there was a long queue at the fitting rooms,I decided to go and listen to the man advertising a wonderful "magic spiral"in the hope that everyone(including me) standing around patiently and attentively,would get a free one (worth a fiver) at the end.This worked out well.Mum got to try on something new and I got a magic spiral.I should really tell you that this wonderful gadget would be able to cut spiral shaped potatoes and vegetables,should you ever need to impress your visitors.
Just one problem,however.I couldn't seem to work the thing when I got it home.Ian was swiftly called and managed to produce the most wonderfully delicate spiral shaped potato.But,in doing so,he sliced a small fraction from the top of his thumb.It caused him a bit of discomfort and as he's a guitar player I believe I could be hearing about this for a long while to come.
On reflection today,I think you'll be getting champ when you come to our house for dinner.
But,seriously though,it made me think how everyone of us loves a bargain and even better,something for nothing.I wasn't warned at all of the dangers of the magic spiral and I was completely taken in.
Let's all be careful of people we meet,who would lead us into the wrong things.There are many who claim to be followers of God,but something does not just ring true with them.Nowadays,folk talk about-"We as Christians" meaning just about everyone.Let's ask God to make us discerning in all we do and everyone we fellowship with,so that our lives may be a blessing to Him both now and in the days to come.

Saturday, 12 January 2008


This morning was cold and frosty and just perfect for a walk round the lake.So after getting suitably layered Ian and I set off.We soon came upon a group of fishermen taking part in a competition and one had just caught a 9lb13oz pike.They chatted to us and asked me to hold it for a photograph,reminding me to be quietly confident and if it wriggled to hold firm.I love fish,cooked on a plate that is and had never held one but,hey why not.It was an amazing catch and we'd just arrived on the scene at the right moment.After,they threw the pike back into the lake to comply with competition rules.
I was excited by this morning's events and challenged also.I'm reminded that God calls us to be "Fishers of men",but not just to stop there.The pike went back to it's old life quite happily.When we tell others and have the privilege of leading them to Christ,we must continue to care for them and nurture them,so that they don't feel the desire to return to their old ways.
The fishermen kept saying to us this morning,"You've made it along here at just the perfect moment."I'm blessed that God picked that moment to really make me think.

Friday, 11 January 2008


I hope the introductory content of my blog does not put you off reading further today,but I have to tell you about my unsettled cat.He has been walking around after us for a few days now and nothing would make him lie in his basket and sleep as contentedly as usual.He's always hungry and so I decided to crush a worm tablet up in his food and the change has been remarkable.I can hear you say"Thank you for sharing that,but too much detail".The point I'm making is that suddenly I have a different pet,totally at peace with himself,no longer agitated and we all feel happier for that.
We're blessed to realise that when we clean ourselves from the inside out,we get rid of anything which unsettles or agitates us which is obviously not of God.The change too is remarkable.We become contented with who we are in God's eyes and stop striving on our own.So,as we hear so much in January about detox etc,let's sort out the most important part of us,the spiritual bit and then we're sure to sleep content.

Thursday, 10 January 2008


I attended another funeral today which took me back to my home town and I saw folk I hadn't seen for at least twenty-five years.I realised how time had changed them and me and though I recognised many,some names had slipped from my mind.I feel more and more at recent funerals I've attended,that they are truly celebrations of life.It's a wonderful thing to celebrate a life lived well,a life lived for God.My mother-in-law talked to me when on her death bed nearly two years ago,of simply stepping across the line to meet her loved ones and I saw in her,a sense of peace and calm anticipation,even in the approach of death.It affected me so much that I'll never forget it.
Today I saw a family grieve,yet rejoice in that they were completely sure their loved one was in a far better place.What a blessing!I came home and read a daily calendar on our desk which stated-

"We are not happy here because we are not home here.....We will have our moments of joy...But they simply do not compare with the happiness that lies ahead."

"My kingdom does not belong to this world".John.18.36.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008


I was just talking to a friend today about someone we both know well and we immediately thought of all the silent,gentle helpful things this person is well known for doing by those of us who have been fortunate to experience his selfless goodness.Yet he is completely unassuming in nature and acts always in a "What would Jesus do?" sort of way.I then thought of another few people I'm fortunate to know and realised immediately that I'm a better person from being around them and sharing their fellowship.I encourage you today,whatever your circumstance,to surround yourself with a friend or two who not only will always be able to be depended upon,but who will make you a better person from knowing them.How blessed we are to know that nothing in each of our lives happens by chance.I believe everything happens for a purpose and for those of us who believe,it's only when we look back over days gone by that we can see God's hand in all that has taken place.

I pray that as we move into another year that we will all experience relationships which will enrich our lives and that we'll all realise that our relationship with God is the one which matters most of all.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008


I told Ian last night that I was finding it hard to sleep as I had so many people and situations in my mind to pray about.Texts and calls had been coming during the day reminding me of important matters urgently needing prayer.My mind was almost in overload.It felt like all of my class were talking to me at once and I was frustrated because I could only deal with one thing at a time.I'm truly blessed tonight to know that my Heavenly Father can cope with all our prayers and never ever becomes exhausted by our petitions.He wants us to bring everything and everyone to Him in prayer and I've proved like many others down through the years when we do this,it really does make a difference.

"What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear,
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer."

Monday, 7 January 2008


Today was the beginning of a new term for us at school.I wasn't feeling 100%,but knew it was important be be there,as to a certain extent it's a time for "setting out new ground rules"after the lazy nature of the last few end of term days."Start as you mean to go on" is my motto and it's healthy for us all to know where our boundaries lie.I needed to tighten up the reins again.
However,I was moved by one little girl in class who came up to me timidly, with such a downcast look in her eyes.She whispered gently and tearfully when no-one was aware,that she was desperately worried about starting work again at the beginning of this new year.She said she couldn't help being afraid of new things.I reminded her quietly that she had coped so well last year in everything and that she shouldn't worry,as I was always there to help her with new topics and didn't want to see her upset in any way.This word of reassurance was enough to gently settle the child for the rest of the day.
How many of us feel exactly the same as this little child? What a blessing it is to know tonight that God is there when we call on Him and gently come in faith believing that He can take away our worries and fears and HE doesn't want us to be upset.So don't be afraid of what this year will throw your way,just "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you".Psalm.55.22.

Sunday, 6 January 2008


I just heard on the radio that today is "National Cuddle Up" Day.How amazing is that?There's a day for everything nowadays,even if we've never heard of them,we could always invent one.Anything goes and somehow we're never surprised with what we hear.I wonder if this means that you cuddle up in front of the fire,under a duvet or give someone special a cuddle today!I suppose you do what you feel inclined to.
Seriously though,a cuddle suggests a feeling of security and warmth and all of us know the precious feeling a hug can mean.I was reading a book this morning, given to me by one of my sons,called"The one year book of Hope" and at the end of chapter 1,the author Nancy Guthrie writes the following prayer suggestion,

"Praise God that His hands are big enough and strong enough to hold you and your future,no matter what happens".

That's not just for a one off day,that's for always!

Saturday, 5 January 2008


I've had a really bad dose of the cold for the past couple of days now.I pick things up so easily that if you breathe over me I'm sure to get what you're suffering from.But,I find that when you are laid low,it's often then that God chooses to make His presence most real and it's also then that we slow down long enough to listen to what He has to say to us.As I walked through the kitchen,I stopped to notice a beautiful paper weight that one of our sons had bought Ian as part of his Christmas present.It said,

"In the morning,O Lord,You hear my voice;in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation......psalm.5.v.3.

I immediately was blessed to realise that God was speaking so directly.I had just spent a wee while reading some psalms and in particular,Psalm 119 in which David was asking God to strengthen him and help him.So be encouraged wherever you are,don't give up,God is watching and none of us want to miss the answers to our prayers!

Friday, 4 January 2008


Ian once wrote a song with the above line in it.I think it's a wonderful thought to ponder as we look forward and make plans for 2008.It doesn't matter where we are,or what we're doing,the important thing is that we have "inner peace" about everything in our lives.It's only then that we know our plans are what God wants for us and not just centered around our own desires.I spoke to two dear friends on the phone last night and this morning and in their own different ways and circumstances was able to see God at work in their lives in such a real way.It fills me with excitement just relating this to you,as when I started this blog months ago,I thought maybe it was a tall order searching for blessings every day.But truth be told,I have never had to look for any of them,they have always been there right before my eyes and because of this I have learnt so much about myself and the importance of my daily walk with God through"365 Blessings". I hope that God will give you a real sense of His "inner peace" this year and that you will find His blessings overflowing in your life.

Thursday, 3 January 2008


It began to snow this evening.This was the first snow of the winter.Soon everything was covered in a blanket of white.It was lovely to look out at from the comfort and warmth of our home,but not so pleasant if you had to drive in it.It's funny and hard to believe,I suppose,that snow although wet to the touch,forms a blanket over the ground,which keeps the roots of plants warm and protected.God knows exactly what He's doing when He decorates our landscape at different times of the year.It's all for certain purposes.
Just like He knows what He's doing when He spring cleans and redecorates our hearts and lives.I know January can be a hard month for many of us,but if we allow the Master Decorator in to make us more like Jesus there's no telling what exciting new plans are around the corner for us all and His blanket of protection will keep us covered.

"You will know that God's power is very great for us who believe". Ephesians.1.v.19.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008


A dear friend sneaked a lovely wee calendar into her Christmas present for me.She knows I write this blog and the calendar is called "Bottomless Blessings"how appropriate,I thought.From time to time,I'm sure you'll get a gem or two from it.Each month has a different kind of coffee painting with a verse to meditate on and the whole month in days below.They all look so inviting and I reckon it's a good idea to mull over God's word when enjoying your coffee break.January's verse states,

"Dear friends,let us love one another,for love comes from God.Everyone who loves knows God".
1 John.4.v.7.

Let's go into this new year and make a real effort to Show God's love to each other.Now there's a challenge and it's something we can all do!

Tuesday, 1 January 2008


January 1st,New Year's Day is here.Most of us have had a wee lie in and are taking it easy,even entertaining family or friends again today.When will all this eating end we wonder? Many go back to work tomorrow.Both our sons go back to university to prepare for exams next week.I think the time has come for us to take stock and discipline ourselves once again.It's not only good for the body,but also the mind.We need to discipline ourselves spiritually too.Here's to new and exciting beginnings.How blessed we are to know over and over again that God chooses to use ordinary folk to do His work here on earth and the more spiritually disciplined and available we are the more able we are also.So whatever has preoccupied you or I last year that is not of Him,let's shake it off and look forward to "New Beginnings."
I go forward in a positive frame of mind,as I look at the lovely little cushion given to us this Christmas,which blesses my heart.It states,

"For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him."Matthew.6.v.8.

Wow,how good is that?