Friday, 30 November 2007


I got a phone call at school today.It was one I wasn't expecting.The man said,"E.T.I."and that meant only one thing-an Inspector.To begin with I thought it was a joke,but soon realised it was for real.The gentleman in question would be coming next week to check up on a few things,for research purposes.So I told him we'd be happy for him to call,but he needed to bear in mind that we are in the middle of Christmas preparations,yet would endeavour to give him exactly what he was looking for.I am quite an open sort of person and aim to tell the Inspector what we have done(as a staff),what we are doing at present and exactly what we feel needs to be done in the future.Honesty is always best and God also expects nothing less from us.He accepts us and never wants us to try to be something we're not cut out to be.So if you feel the call tonight from The One who is to be respected above all others,just come as you are,just come now.

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