Friday 23 November 2007


I bought a sale item for the husband today.He liked it very much and I was pleased with myself.I'm amazed at how many pre-Christmas sales take place nowadays.Shops are buzzing and people think they are missing something if they are not in the queue.Suddenly everything is marked with a discount sticker and I wonder as I wander if the new sale price isn't just exactly what the item was worth in the first place.Yet somehow, we are all drawn to the S-A-L-E signs time after time.I know some people who think that unless they pay an awful lot of money for something,then it's not worth having and they really aren't interested in a bargain,because they immediately think there is a catch or something reasonably cheap mustn't be a lasting product.What a blessing,tonight,to know that what Jesus offers us is completely free and it will last forever.There's no catch and it's so simple that people who try to make it all too complicated end up missing the point.Why not go for something today which is worth more than anything money can buy?

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