Tuesday 13 November 2007


I got the bleach out tonight.There was a bit of cleaning needed done and I'd kinda put it off for a few days.But once I got myself going,I quite enjoyed the task.(I suppose you could say it's a woman thing).Anyway,at the end of the job,I felt a sense of satisfaction and pleased that everywhere was clean and tidy again.Us women like things in their proper place and somehow men don't really seem to notice that much.But it's funny how we know we need to do something, in the back of our minds and still we slip other things in just in front.I hope tonight that we put the important decisions in life,uppermost in our minds and we don't put off making the choice to follow Jesus,as what a sad day it would be if we looked back sometime way down the line and realised we'd wasted our lives on things that took the place meant for The One who gave His all for us.

"I tell you,now is the time of God's favour,now is the day of Salvation". 2 Corinthians 6:2.

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