Wednesday, 28 November 2007


I nursed my little six month old niece this evening,while she cooed and smiled at her big brother performing turns on the sofa,simply because he had a captive audience.He's only two years and four months,yet he made me chuckle to myself,when he answered a question I posed,with "probably".It's funny how children pick up so much so quickly from the adults around them.They are just like little sponges,soaking up more and more knowledge every day.Those of us who work with young children or have a young family,have such a responsibility as a role model.So we must never lose sight of the fact that we are being watched daily and our habits may be copied.We should remember this the next time we're tired or having an off day.Let's count it a blessing that we can influence a young life in a positive way and may we embrace every opportunity to do so.There's a bit of a child in all of us,surely.

Jesus reminds us of how good it is to have a childlike attitude.He says it's impossible to enter the kingdom unless we become as little children. Mark.10.v.15.

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