Saturday 24 November 2007


I stopped for petrol today,as nearly every time I take to the wheel the car seems to be running on empty.The man who owned the shop made pleasant conversation starting with the weather,as ye do.Then we moved onto the topic of Christmas shopping.We both agreed that in general people spend way too much and he made the point that you don't have to buy your way in people's affections.He told me that he was never one for giving his wife "The Big Card",as was popular some years back,feeling strongly that his love for her did not need to be measured by the size of the card.What a good point to remember,especially at Christmas.We don't need to go overboard with the presents,when our giving of the things which money can never buy goes so much deeper,will mean much more and will last long after Christmas is over.

What a blessed example we have in the following words-"How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure".

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