Thursday 29 November 2007


I suppose I better just come clean and admit I had a baking flop earlier this evening.I was making blueberry muffins (which worked perfectly the last time).I knew something was wrong when my son was eating one out of the bun case and the blueberries were stuck to the bottom.I was disappointed and annoyed with myself,as I had weighed everything perfectly and spent a lot of time on this activity,even making double the amount.What a waste,I thought-of time,ingredients etc.I was ready to give up,but had a little time left before going to my weekly bible study group,so I started from scratch on chocolate chip muffins and this time they worked.The house group enjoyed them and have not been sick,as far as I know.
I learnt a lesson tonight,as I was really cross with myself for the cookery mistake which cost me so much time and energy.I know it's not that important ,but it taught me how important it is to spend my time wisely when it comes to the deeper issues in life.It also taught me that when we make mistakes we must "brush ourselves down"and keep pressing forward.God never gives up on us and it's a blessing tonight,to know that He often uses our mistakes to teach us more about depending on Him. Philippians.3.14.

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