Friday, 30 November 2007
I got a phone call at school today.It was one I wasn't expecting.The man said,"E.T.I."and that meant only one thing-an Inspector.To begin with I thought it was a joke,but soon realised it was for real.The gentleman in question would be coming next week to check up on a few things,for research purposes.So I told him we'd be happy for him to call,but he needed to bear in mind that we are in the middle of Christmas preparations,yet would endeavour to give him exactly what he was looking for.I am quite an open sort of person and aim to tell the Inspector what we have done(as a staff),what we are doing at present and exactly what we feel needs to be done in the future.Honesty is always best and God also expects nothing less from us.He accepts us and never wants us to try to be something we're not cut out to be.So if you feel the call tonight from The One who is to be respected above all others,just come as you are,just come now.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
I suppose I better just come clean and admit I had a baking flop earlier this evening.I was making blueberry muffins (which worked perfectly the last time).I knew something was wrong when my son was eating one out of the bun case and the blueberries were stuck to the bottom.I was disappointed and annoyed with myself,as I had weighed everything perfectly and spent a lot of time on this activity,even making double the amount.What a waste,I thought-of time,ingredients etc.I was ready to give up,but had a little time left before going to my weekly bible study group,so I started from scratch on chocolate chip muffins and this time they worked.The house group enjoyed them and have not been sick,as far as I know.
I learnt a lesson tonight,as I was really cross with myself for the cookery mistake which cost me so much time and energy.I know it's not that important ,but it taught me how important it is to spend my time wisely when it comes to the deeper issues in life.It also taught me that when we make mistakes we must "brush ourselves down"and keep pressing forward.God never gives up on us and it's a blessing tonight,to know that He often uses our mistakes to teach us more about depending on Him. Philippians.3.14.
I learnt a lesson tonight,as I was really cross with myself for the cookery mistake which cost me so much time and energy.I know it's not that important ,but it taught me how important it is to spend my time wisely when it comes to the deeper issues in life.It also taught me that when we make mistakes we must "brush ourselves down"and keep pressing forward.God never gives up on us and it's a blessing tonight,to know that He often uses our mistakes to teach us more about depending on Him. Philippians.3.14.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
I nursed my little six month old niece this evening,while she cooed and smiled at her big brother performing turns on the sofa,simply because he had a captive audience.He's only two years and four months,yet he made me chuckle to myself,when he answered a question I posed,with "probably".It's funny how children pick up so much so quickly from the adults around them.They are just like little sponges,soaking up more and more knowledge every day.Those of us who work with young children or have a young family,have such a responsibility as a role model.So we must never lose sight of the fact that we are being watched daily and our habits may be copied.We should remember this the next time we're tired or having an off day.Let's count it a blessing that we can influence a young life in a positive way and may we embrace every opportunity to do so.There's a bit of a child in all of us,surely.
Jesus reminds us of how good it is to have a childlike attitude.He says it's impossible to enter the kingdom unless we become as little children. Mark.10.v.15.
Jesus reminds us of how good it is to have a childlike attitude.He says it's impossible to enter the kingdom unless we become as little children. Mark.10.v.15.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
I have been training a choir at school in preparation for Christmas for just a few weeks now and at times I've wondered if I've been too ambitious with the amount of material chosen,until today that is.Suddenly it all came together,which is great news, as our first public performance is next week.But there was a confidence shining through,which filtered from member to member and suddenly the children were enjoying themselves and even staff passing by noticed the difference.The children were making a joyful noise and it blessed my heart.I began immediately to see the comparison with this and seriously trying to live a life pleasing to God.I find it hard to describe,but to me it's the time when everything seems to just click into place.It's the realisation that nothing else in life matters except being in tune with God and being so keen to move into deeper fellowship with Him.Priorities change and attitudes change.It can be scary at times,but it's very exciting too.You realise that your life is not your own any more,because you have handed the steering wheel over to the Master and you long for Him to direct you right to the centre of His will for your life,so that you can forever "make a joyful noise".
Monday, 26 November 2007
As we tidied a few things this evening,I came across my son's autobiography.He wrote it in final year at primary school.He's coming twenty now.I chuckled to myself as I read about the things he had packed into his little life.Trips to London and France featured strongly and a keen interest in ponies,which has now long disappeared in favour of girls.He ended his writing by thanking dad and me for looking after him,but added,"more importantly I want to thank God".
That last line stayed with me long after I read the account of a young life.It's a huge blessing to us parents tonight that he continues to look to God for guidance in his life and I ask myself, if I were to write my autobiography,would I be able to say that I did everything I could to serve God on a daily basis.That thought makes me sit up and take stock immediately.
"My God,I want to do what you want.Your teachings are in my heart". Psalm.40.v.8.
That last line stayed with me long after I read the account of a young life.It's a huge blessing to us parents tonight that he continues to look to God for guidance in his life and I ask myself, if I were to write my autobiography,would I be able to say that I did everything I could to serve God on a daily basis.That thought makes me sit up and take stock immediately.
"My God,I want to do what you want.Your teachings are in my heart". Psalm.40.v.8.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Today in church,the guy who took the talk for the children had photographs of household objects.These were part shots and he wanted the kids to work out what the whole objects were.Some of them were quite hard,even for adults to work out,but when we were shown a little bit more of each thing,then we had no problem in realising what they were.The words which followed were easy to work out,even in advance,that God sees "The Big Picture"for each of our lives.I found it such a blessing to be reminded of this today,that I simply had to share it.So often I'm guilty of trying to rush God's plan for my life and I need to be totally content in the here and now and let Him unfold things at His pace,because no matter how I feel,His ways are perfect and things will not come to pass a day earlier or later than He wills.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
I stopped for petrol today,as nearly every time I take to the wheel the car seems to be running on empty.The man who owned the shop made pleasant conversation starting with the weather,as ye do.Then we moved onto the topic of Christmas shopping.We both agreed that in general people spend way too much and he made the point that you don't have to buy your way in people's affections.He told me that he was never one for giving his wife "The Big Card",as was popular some years back,feeling strongly that his love for her did not need to be measured by the size of the card.What a good point to remember,especially at Christmas.We don't need to go overboard with the presents,when our giving of the things which money can never buy goes so much deeper,will mean much more and will last long after Christmas is over.
What a blessed example we have in the following words-"How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure".
What a blessed example we have in the following words-"How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure".
Friday, 23 November 2007
I bought a sale item for the husband today.He liked it very much and I was pleased with myself.I'm amazed at how many pre-Christmas sales take place nowadays.Shops are buzzing and people think they are missing something if they are not in the queue.Suddenly everything is marked with a discount sticker and I wonder as I wander if the new sale price isn't just exactly what the item was worth in the first place.Yet somehow, we are all drawn to the S-A-L-E signs time after time.I know some people who think that unless they pay an awful lot of money for something,then it's not worth having and they really aren't interested in a bargain,because they immediately think there is a catch or something reasonably cheap mustn't be a lasting product.What a blessing,tonight,to know that what Jesus offers us is completely free and it will last forever.There's no catch and it's so simple that people who try to make it all too complicated end up missing the point.Why not go for something today which is worth more than anything money can buy?
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Did you ever feel tired?Today was one of those days for me.It was a busy day at work,when extra things to do just seemed to pop up and yet,the body goes into shutdown when you suddenly stop in the evening.A nice hot bath is such a welcome friend.At times like this,I'm reminded of how God calls us to Himself and lets us know we can rest in Him and suddenly, it's good to be weary,once in a while.There's much to learn in those rest times and we will soon begin to welcome them,because when we "come aside and rest awhile",it is then that we are most receptive to God speaking to us.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
I've just watched a programme tonight about a young man of twenty-five,who went undercover as a youth worker in a deprived area,to watch how people lived.He was a secret millionaire.From the age of fifteen, he had started up in business and had become very successful.His aim was to single out people whom he deemed worthy of a little financial help and at the end of the programme he would spring a surprise on them.As usual,I found myself in tears,just watching the goings on.He said that he felt so good,when he followed his heart feelings and not necessarily what his business brain was telling him for once.He saw a need and a window of opportunity and he genuinely cared enough to show he believed in certain folk and thoroughly enjoyed helping them make a new start.It certainly made good viewing.I'm blessed tonight, when I think of the new opportunities available to all of us when we hand control of our lives over to The One who made us and knows all about us.He offers us a brand new start.
"Behold, I make all things new". Now, that's enough to make us feel emotional,isn't it?
"Behold, I make all things new". Now, that's enough to make us feel emotional,isn't it?
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
I was just chatting to a missionary friend in France tonight and he was telling me about his work and plans for Christmas outreach etc.As our primary 7 children are learning French at present,I suggested to him that it would be a good idea for them to send some Christmas cards and little gifts to the children associated with his church.We'll aim to have them parceled up and ready to post next week.It will be so good for our pupils to realise that Christmas is as much about giving as receiving.It will also be exciting for the french children to realise that people in Northern Ireland who they don't know, are thinking about them and care enough to do something special like this at Christmas.I'm blessed to realise tonight,that it's God who plants the little seeds,we call ideas and it's up to us if and how, we choose to put them into practice.I hope tonight that you feel the urge to do something a wee bit different for someone this Christmas and that you'll go right ahead and do it.You'll find a blessing will come right back to you.
Monday, 19 November 2007
I was doing a wee favour for Ian(husband),this evening.He asked me to pick some sweets for children in his class.As I scoured the shelves in the local shop,I found it hard to decide what to buy.There was so much to choose from and I didn't want them to be disappointed,as they were deserving of a treat.I picked them selection boxes(all the same) so I knew there wouldn't be any problems.I would have no bother choosing my favourite brand of sweets,as I have never wavered over the years.But I realise that children are spoilt for choice nowadays and can change their views quickly,depending on what is flavour of the moment.It's a bit like life really.We are faced with decisions and choices day and daily.It's up to us, to a certain extent,what we do,when and how we do it.We are blessed today to know that if we choose to follow God's plan for our lives,then He will most certainly direct and guide us in making wise choices and decisions and we will not falter or waver on our own.Taste and see......................
Sunday, 18 November 2007
My sister called me today,just to let me know she had arrived home safely from a holiday in South Africa.I could tell by the sound of her voice that she had had a wonderful time.She talked about the people,the food,the views and so on....Having never gone myself,I could only imagine what it must have been like.It certainly made a tremendous impact upon her and I knew that she was so enthusiastic about sharing her recent experience with everyone around her.I could really sense her excitement.She kept saying"you have to go,ye know this place has something special,I can't quite put it in words".
This reminded me tonight of how we ought to feel about sharing God's love with others.We have something so special,we can't simply keep it for ourselves. I pray that God will never dampen my enthusiasm for Him and that others will be encouraged to draw near to Him,by the example I set.
This reminded me tonight of how we ought to feel about sharing God's love with others.We have something so special,we can't simply keep it for ourselves. I pray that God will never dampen my enthusiasm for Him and that others will be encouraged to draw near to Him,by the example I set.
Saturday, 17 November 2007
I went with my mum to Dad's grave this morning.He died exactly one year ago.I think about him a lot and loved him very much.When I was younger, I couldn't imagine him not ever being there,as I always asked for his advice.It was only as I got older and he began to suffer from alzheimers,that I realised that my sisters and I were now having to be the strong grown up ones,instead of the little girls we once were.The disease gradually robbed him of absolutely everything and as I watched it's progression throughout the last ten years,I believe I am changed as a person,forever.Sometimes,I'd convince myself that maybe he recognised me,when I knew deep inside that he didn't,but I always talked to him,hoping to unlock a little past memory and the odd time there seemed to be a glimmer of recognition for a brief moment.However,throughout the darkest days and sadly,they are still uppermost and so vivid in my mind,the thing which gave me hope, was a crystal clear memory which I held dear.You see, I remember,like it was only yesterday,as a child on the farm,my dad telling me when he asked Jesus to be Saviour and Lord of His life.I'm blessed to have shared that precious conversation with him and to have witnessed him daily on his knees.It gives me all the comfort I need.
Friday, 16 November 2007
This afternoon Ian and I went out for a coffee.It was fairly near closing time,so everywhere was quiet.As we walked past the deserted shop fronts, we noticed a huge tree outside a restaurant,completely covered in blue lights.We'd never seen Christmas portrayed in blue before and it caught both our eyes immediately.It was so beautiful,yet mysteriously cold and somewhat poignant,pointing up into the dark night sky.I began to think that Christmas can be so sad for many people for a variety of reasons.They must feel alone and blue,just like the huge tree standing apart,amidst the dazzling,glittering ,warm and inviting shop fronts all calling out for my attention.I know what it feels like to be blue at Christmas.We've lost three of our parents over the last few years and so there's been no cards sent and fewer seats have been filled around the table on Christmas Day.But, we're blessed tonight to know that Jesus brings hope for us all at Christmas,no matter what our circumstance.Only He can stop us from feeling blue.
Thursday, 15 November 2007
A few friends and myself went to visit another friend tonight,only to find that he wasn't in.It was our own fault really,because no-one had told him to expect us, nothing had been arranged.We were disappointed that the door was closed and nobody was home.It was a wasted journey,but I suppose he couldn't be expected to sit around waiting for something which may or may not happen.After all, he didn't know we wanted to see him.However,it reminded me tonight,that God does not wait around for us forever.We need to let Him know we want to meet with Him,share fellowship with Him and get to know Him more.We need to prioritise things in our lives and make the move before the door is closed to us.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
I sat down with a child today to gently correct a piece of written work on a rough page,so that afterwards he could transfer it to his proper book.I talked him through the mistakes and explained why they were corrected.When he arrived up to my desk with the completed work,I couldn't quite believe my eyes.He had managed to copy the few lines out again,exactly as he had written them originally,paying no attention at all to any corrections.You see,he thought his way was fine,that there was no need to fix anything.That would require thought and energy,when he could repeat his first process without too much effort at all.
I realised immediately,that he listened to me,as he usually did,but he didn't really hear.It's so easy to do that.We listen to what our minister tells us,but we don't always hear.We know what's best for us and why change anything when it works ok for me?It's a blessing tonight,to know that God uses so many different avenues to speak to us.I pray that we will not only listen to His gentle prompting,but we'll really HEAR HIM.
I realised immediately,that he listened to me,as he usually did,but he didn't really hear.It's so easy to do that.We listen to what our minister tells us,but we don't always hear.We know what's best for us and why change anything when it works ok for me?It's a blessing tonight,to know that God uses so many different avenues to speak to us.I pray that we will not only listen to His gentle prompting,but we'll really HEAR HIM.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
I got the bleach out tonight.There was a bit of cleaning needed done and I'd kinda put it off for a few days.But once I got myself going,I quite enjoyed the task.(I suppose you could say it's a woman thing).Anyway,at the end of the job,I felt a sense of satisfaction and pleased that everywhere was clean and tidy again.Us women like things in their proper place and somehow men don't really seem to notice that much.But it's funny how we know we need to do something, in the back of our minds and still we slip other things in just in front.I hope tonight that we put the important decisions in life,uppermost in our minds and we don't put off making the choice to follow Jesus,as what a sad day it would be if we looked back sometime way down the line and realised we'd wasted our lives on things that took the place meant for The One who gave His all for us.
"I tell you,now is the time of God's favour,now is the day of Salvation". 2 Corinthians 6:2.
"I tell you,now is the time of God's favour,now is the day of Salvation". 2 Corinthians 6:2.
Monday, 12 November 2007
Today I asked some children to draw what their view of Christmas was.This was a kind of experiment for a friend,who was compiling some information on "What Christmas means" to people nowadays.I didn't guide or prompt the kids in any way,just simply asked them to illustrate what came to mind.I was disappointed to find that only one child in the group put The Baby Jesus in her picture.Is this a reflection of how things are?I'm afraid so.Sadly,people think more about what they can get,than what they can give,nowadays.I wonder what you'd draw to depict your views on Christmas.None of us like to be left out,it's human nature to want to be included.I'm blessed today to know for certain that I'm special to God.I want to try to live my life in a way that makes Him as special as possible to me.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Today the sink in our utility room was blocked and the water met me at the door.Then I remembered the new candle.Well, ye see, it replaced one which was finished.I had taken the old one to the sink,poured out the last little bit of wax mixed with hot water and hoped to preserve the holder for another candle at a later date.Yes,you've guessed,the wax hardened and caused a blockage in the sink,so powerful,that when the washing machine was in operation,the water refused to go where it was meant to.
Ian saved the day for me and I was left cleaning up and wondering how so little wax could cause such a mess.It reminded me that it only takes something very small to spoil the fellowship that God desires to have with us.We can never see the problems coming and building up,but they do and in such a subtle way.If we truly want to experience God's richest blessings ,we need to watch out for any unnecessary blockages.
Ian saved the day for me and I was left cleaning up and wondering how so little wax could cause such a mess.It reminded me that it only takes something very small to spoil the fellowship that God desires to have with us.We can never see the problems coming and building up,but they do and in such a subtle way.If we truly want to experience God's richest blessings ,we need to watch out for any unnecessary blockages.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
I bought a candle today.Everyone loves candles in our house.They not only give light and warmth on winter evenings,but also ensure that a wonderful fragrance wafts around the room.Over the past few years candles have become so popular,as they can be obtained in all shapes,sizes,colours,prices and fragrances.Candles make a wonderful present.They are always gratefully received and my favourite of all is-French Vanilla scent.During the summer I bought a wedding gift for a friend and decided that I would also include a scented candle as a reminder to the couple,"to always shine their light" in their marriage together.
I am blessed to know some folk,who,without even having to speak,radiate God's love in their very countenance.
As a little child,I sang the chorus-"Jesus bids us shine".I ask today,that He will help me to be a light to shine for Him in my everyday life.
I am blessed to know some folk,who,without even having to speak,radiate God's love in their very countenance.
As a little child,I sang the chorus-"Jesus bids us shine".I ask today,that He will help me to be a light to shine for Him in my everyday life.
Friday, 9 November 2007
Tonight we're having visitors around.I know it's nearly the weekend and every one's tired after a hard week at work,but these visitors are so easy to be with,that they can come and find us just as we are.We can relax together and share good food(hopefully,if everything goes according to plan) but most of all, we can talk about deep stuff together.I'm a wiser person when I've been in close fellowship with my friends and I feel nourished by their gentle company.I feel that God blesses us all with a few,really close friends who we can share our innermost thoughts with in total confidence and as a result,He changes us all and draws us closer to Himself.I hope that you enjoy the company of your visitors this weekend and that you'll allow Jesus to be so much more than a visitor in your life,the change will be remarkable,if you do.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Today in Assembly,I read a poem which explained the significance of the poppy in a way suitable for children to understand.It ended with a mummy crying and her little boy asking why.She told him that she felt sad because people were so busy with their lives,that they had forgotten the importance of Remembrance Day.Sadly there are so many families who will never have difficulty remembering,because of lost loved ones.Yet we must always reach out to those who are sad and show the compassion of Christ.I feel blessed to know that God can really soften our hearts towards the situations of others and pray that He'll keep me remembering not only this Sunday,but always.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Today I spent a lot of time trying to sort out friendships between some little pupils who just couldn't seem to play together in the playground.When you're a small person,this can rob you of sleep and seem like an insurmountable problem to face.Yes,you've guessed,it was a girly thing.Boys just get on with their football and don't allow themselves to get worked up.
I like to "nip things in the bud", as things can fester,if allowed to develop in an unhealthy way and so it takes time and effort,but these things must be addressed and settled a.s.a.p.So,on returning home this evening,I found myself tired,yet pondering my own friendships.I feel blessed to have a few close friends,who will always be there for me and who know me almost as well as I know myself.I love to make contact with them by text,or phone and the reply is always instantaneous.My husband is also a dear friend to me and I'm blessed to have shared so much of my life with him so far.
Our deepest needs however, can only be met by Jesus,"the one who sticks closer than a brother"Proverbs18:24. Let Him be your best friend today.
I like to "nip things in the bud", as things can fester,if allowed to develop in an unhealthy way and so it takes time and effort,but these things must be addressed and settled a.s.a.p.So,on returning home this evening,I found myself tired,yet pondering my own friendships.I feel blessed to have a few close friends,who will always be there for me and who know me almost as well as I know myself.I love to make contact with them by text,or phone and the reply is always instantaneous.My husband is also a dear friend to me and I'm blessed to have shared so much of my life with him so far.
Our deepest needs however, can only be met by Jesus,"the one who sticks closer than a brother"Proverbs18:24. Let Him be your best friend today.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Today I received a piece of encouraging news.When this sort of thing happens,it leaves you warm inside and usually manages to come just when you need it to.It made me realise that we really do need to cultivate patience in our daily lives.We want instant answers,just like our coffee.Often,God wants to teach us to wait on Him and what a learning curve this proves to be.I've realised this,yet again today.It's a blessing tonight to know that no matter what giants we think we may face and many of us do,that God is bigger than them all.
If you are struggling with pressure of work,illness,bereavement ......... and you wonder why things are the way they are,just hold on.God is aware of how you're feeling and wants to be there with you,every step of the way.
"I am He who will sustain you.I have made you and I will carry you;I will sustain you and I will rescue you". Isaiah 46:4.
If you are struggling with pressure of work,illness,bereavement ......... and you wonder why things are the way they are,just hold on.God is aware of how you're feeling and wants to be there with you,every step of the way.
"I am He who will sustain you.I have made you and I will carry you;I will sustain you and I will rescue you". Isaiah 46:4.
Monday, 5 November 2007
A story in one of my reading books today was all about the origin of "The Happy Birthday" song.A teacher called Patty Hill from Louisville,Kentucky,wrote this best known song in the world many years ago.Patty wrote it for children in her nursery class.She was such a happy person,that other teachers and students came to her school to find out why it was such a joyful place.They took the song back to their classrooms and pupils then taught it to their mums and dads and soon everyone knew it.I ask myself today,do I offer my energy to life and do everything I have to in the course of a day,unto The Lord?Do I radiate joy along the way?I'm challenged by this little story,to try to be a more joyful person,despite the circumstances I may find myself in and will make an effort to touch others with my positive attitude.
"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver". Proverbs 15 :23.
"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver". Proverbs 15 :23.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
I know you can't always believe all you read in the tabloids,but it saddens me every day to hear about problem marriages which are paraded in public.At the minute,flavour of the month is that of Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills.We so openly see the damage that the untamable tongue can do.I'm not for one moment getting involved in taking sides etc,but simply want to point out that while one party speaks out with wrath,the other remains silent.Our minister preached today on the importance of bridling the tongue and it really hit home.
The saying-"If you haven't got anything good to say,then say nothing",came to mind immediately.
James tells us that the tongue can be an instrument of evil,or a conduit of blessing,depending on whether or not it is harnessed by the Spirit of God.
I'm blessed today to know that The Holy Spirit can work in me to allow my words to be a positive encouragement to others.
The saying-"If you haven't got anything good to say,then say nothing",came to mind immediately.
James tells us that the tongue can be an instrument of evil,or a conduit of blessing,depending on whether or not it is harnessed by the Spirit of God.
I'm blessed today to know that The Holy Spirit can work in me to allow my words to be a positive encouragement to others.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
We had lunch outdoors today in the autumn sun.I know it's hard for you to take in,but yes,even in November,it's mild enough this year in Ireland,to do something like this and we really enjoyed the experience.We noticed the colours and sounds all around us,as the cattle and horses grazed in the fields and a para glider floated gracefully overhead.Suddenly an ordinary Saturday moment turned extraordinary.We realised that God is in the everyday things.But sometimes we're just to busy to tune in to Him.I know that if we earnestly open our eyes and look for Him,He promises that we'll find Him.Now there's a blessing.
"And you will seek Me,and find Me,when you search for Me with all your heart". Jeremiah 29v13.
"And you will seek Me,and find Me,when you search for Me with all your heart". Jeremiah 29v13.
Friday, 2 November 2007
Today Ian and I stopped off for a coffee.While he ordered,I sat and watched the world pass by.People were walking everywhere,laden with bags and I was so relieved to be taking time out.A gentleman close by was just doing the same and when his wife returned,they struck up a conversation with us and we didn't mind one bit.Somehow we clicked immediately,on a number of different levels and chatted for about an hour,which passed so quickly.On leaving,we were both struck by the depth and warmth of our conversation and the realisation that our passion for God was exactly the same.I'm blessed to know today,that nothing happens by chance and it can be so easy to make our Saviour a welcome guest at the coffee shop if we want to.He's always waiting to be included.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
I went for a long walk today and marveled,not only at the wonderful weather on the first day of November,but the colours of the leaves all around me.I simply was in awe of my Creator.I realised that it was necessary to have the carpet of gold under my feet in order to help the trees grow strong and replenish themselves again for another year's new growth.I knew the truth of the bible reading which tells us -"To everything,there is a season".Sometimes it's hard to get used to the certain season of life which we find ourselves in,but God means us to feel contented in that season,because it's there that we can know His blessed purpose revealed,if we are open to Him.
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