Wednesday, 12 December 2007


I wrote my Christmas cards today.As we have lost three of our parents in recent times,we haven't sent cards for the last three years.It kinda feels strange writing to folk we haven't been in touch with for some considerable time.But then we all do that at Christmas anyway,don't we?We tend to tell ourselves off for not keeping in closer contact with some people,when we write things like-"will ring soon",or "must catch up for coffee" and so on.But do we really mean it at all?Another year goes by so quickly and we've made no real effort to follow up on some of our promises and worst of all we knew it would be like that when we last wrote the card.

I want to make sure that if I promise to keep in close daily contact with God,that I'll really work at it enough to discipline myself to make sure it happens.If the close fellowship slips for some reason,then the one-to-one communion fades and sadly God becomes just like the distant acquaintance who receives the annual token card.
Aren't we blessed tonight,to know that He promises never to leave or forsake us?

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