Monday, 24 December 2007


Well, the night has finally arrived,it's Christmas Eve and I've been busying myself in the kitchen preparing food for tomorrow's meal since arriving home from a candle lit Carol Service.I've been thinking about all the little children everywhere,tucked up in bed early and not able to sleep,wondering if they can hear Santa's sleigh tinkle on arrival.What a truly wonderful time it is for kids.They jump out of bed in the early hours,unable to contain their excitement.What a blessing it would be(I remind myself tonight) if we could be as excited about "Jesus".
Tonight,we joined in worship in church,singing,

"We're singing Alleluia,We're singing Alleluia,
Emmanuel,Our God is with us!"

I got excited about Jesus,tonight and I hope it fires me up to serve Him more and more in 2008.

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