Monday 10 December 2007


Today we decided to make table centres for Christmas.I showed the class one I had made earlier,as ye do and after a bit of a chat,the seven and eight year olds got to work.I had carefully explained the instructions and so it was up to each child to interpret the task in their own way.I was delighted with the results.Everyone had eagerly cut out lots of holly and berries and the paper plate was transformed.So much so that we went on to design a vase of card for the middle,to be decorated with bits of old Christmas cards and filled eventually with tissue paper poinsettias.What started as one simple little lesson,had grown in potential because of the children's dedication and enthusiasm.
I can't help seeing the similarity tonight with trying to live a life pleasing to God.He guides us towards the right friendship groups and into various projects which we can do for Him,that we never would have thought possible.It's only when we reflect on times gone by that we see how blessed we really are and realise that with God we can tackle tasks with His help and instruction which we would have believed to be beyond our capabilities.Take this daily blog for instance.
If you ask God to show you a new work which you can do for Him,get ready,it'll definitely happen.

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