Friday, 7 December 2007


I was making some Christmas cards tonight,while watching a News Report on how to save money at Christmas.Groceries were bought at very different prices and a meal was prepared for a group to sample.The different items had coloured marks to differentiate them.It was impossible to tell the difference in taste in most cases and a saving of 30% was to be made if folk would only be wise enough to avail of such grocery purchases this year.Cards were up next and even a designer preferred the cheaper cards to the most expensive ones.So,why is it that people flock to get the special brand names,no matter what the cost,when they miss the genuine,simplistic article before their eyes?They believe there must be a catch,that's why.It's the same with choosing to follow Jesus,many try to complicate things and miss the free gift right in front of them.What a blessing tonight to know that John ch.3.v.16 says it all and there's nothing complicated about it.

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