Friday, 28 December 2007


A friend called round today.He always comes a couple of times a year,as he is on the go travelling around the world quite a lot,giving lectures on a sport close to his heart.He is just back home from China in time for Christmas and every time he calls I'm blown away by his humility.He never boasts about his all fares paid travel,or fancy hotels.In fact you have to ask him about his work and then he has you captivated with his passionate delivery.
He has met some wonderful people around the world and I felt so encouraged by the fact that he said one man just told him about the growing numbers of people following Jesus in China.
I can't help thinking that this much learned,much travelled,complete people's person could pass along the street unnoticed,as he simply wants to live as an ordinary man.
I learnt a lot today and I'm blessed when I look at The Manger Scene-Now there's humility at it's utmost!

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