Wednesday, 19 March 2008


They're having a charity Easter egg hunt at school today.Ian has put a lot of work into the organisation of everything and the children will have a ball looking for 700 little eggs.I was awakened a few minutes ago by a stream of really strong sunlight beaming in through the bedroom window.I felt so blessed. It was like God was reminding me gently, that He was in control of everything.The room lit up and I could feel the warmth around me.We really needed good weather for the event today and there it was, just perfect.
Ian reminded me last night of the words,
"Our God is an awesome God,
He reigns from Heaven above".
He discussed at length with me how while listening to the song he was struck by the fact that it states how God reigns "from Heaven" above and therefore is concerned with every little detail down here on earth.I'm immediately starting to feel a good bit better.

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