Sunday, 30 March 2008


I certainly would recommend a week of retreat, a time to listen to your favourite worship music , a time to read, meditate, talk and above all, a time with no distractions when you are able to let God speak to you. Today I finished George Verwer's 'Out of the Comfort Zone' and I realise afresh the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit again and again. I have learned the importance of 1st Corinthians 13 about patience, love and forgiveness. I need to let go of anything petty in my life and not allow small, unimportant things to consume me so that I can have what the book refers to as 'a spirit of big heartedness.' It's only then that God can truly use me in the way that He desires.

1 comment:

Family Blogs said...

It's wonderful to have the opportunity to get away, to think, and to soak in what God is saying.

Verwer is enormously challenging, isn't he? Anytime I read him I come away feeling wounded, but in the best possible sense. He convicts my conscience and challenges my personality at a very deep level. His honesty is disarming and piercing.

I trust that the rest of your retreat will continue to prove a blessing and help. You're in our prayers.
