Monday 3 March 2008


If you have missed my blog over the past few days you'll realise that I've suddenly written five in a row.I apologise for this but as last Thursday was a very stormy night our phone lines and internet access have been out of action.I still hand wrote my daily blessings and am pleased that everything has been fixed and is back to normal this evening.I don't like being out of touch and routine is a healthy discipline.It would have been easy for me to just stop writing "365 Blessings" but I made a commitment to God to do this and I will honour my word.We can let things slip so easily and without realising it, our quiet time has been replaced with more TV.Then our prayer time has been replaced by a lengthy gossip on the phone etc.I'm not perfect for one moment, but I am conscious of these things in my own life and have to work hard at keeping the access lines open, otherwise I so easily fall out of touch with God who is my lifeline.I'm blessed that God uses everyday things to teach me that I need to stay in constant fellowship with Him in order for me to grow more like Him.

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