Monday, 31 March 2008


Here's a verse that spoke loud and clear to me today - it's Philippians4v6 and I intend to keep memorizing it.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard you hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
As I write this, I've just this minute got a text from a dear friend who is going for a big scan tomorrow. I sent her this verse immediately and I send it to you too, whatever your situation.
We mus trust these words and apply them to our hearts. I know that before this Easter break, I was anxious about everything and probably the last one to realise it. Now that I'm resting, God is revealing so much to me. I feel that I am able to hand over all my anxieties and I urge you to do the same.

Sunday, 30 March 2008


I certainly would recommend a week of retreat, a time to listen to your favourite worship music , a time to read, meditate, talk and above all, a time with no distractions when you are able to let God speak to you. Today I finished George Verwer's 'Out of the Comfort Zone' and I realise afresh the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit again and again. I have learned the importance of 1st Corinthians 13 about patience, love and forgiveness. I need to let go of anything petty in my life and not allow small, unimportant things to consume me so that I can have what the book refers to as 'a spirit of big heartedness.' It's only then that God can truly use me in the way that He desires.

Saturday, 29 March 2008


I've just finished reading about the life of Helen Roseveare and I was really spoken to by advice she was once given to say 'Please God cross out the I in my life.? The crossed out I life means 'I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me.'(Galatians 2v20)
I walked to the edge opf the water to meditate this morning and thank god for His many blessings. I drew a capital I in the sand with my big toe and was just about to take the step of crossing it out when a wave gently broke on the beach and crossed out the I in a split second. I t was fully removed, not a trace was left. At that moment I knew I had to die completely to self and follow Galatians 2v20.

Friday, 28 March 2008


I'm feeling a lot stronger today, able to focus again and read without the constant coughing. My book is by Noel Piper called 'Faithful women and their extraordinary God' and I have just finished the section on Esther Ahn Kim - The Wonderful woman who refused to bow to the shrine at Namsan Mountain. After years of sufferings and persecution she finally became free on August 17th 1945 to continue to serve God well into her nineties. And the words of the jailer who released her, rang out for everyone to hear, "She was a true champion of the faith."God may never expect us to suffer as she did, for our faith, but we can learn so much from her story. Her preparatory measures should be our standard fare -Prayer, worship, living simply, generosity with good things, knowing scripture and listening to people's stories about God. I thank God today for the one who gave me this book as she is a wonderful example of all of the above measures. The tears flowed today as I read of Esther's mother as her daughter left for Japan. The mother was content, beautiful and filled with the Holy Spirit. The book tells us that we should use this model as we send our children where God leads them. As I'm preoccupied with the thought of Jon leaving in three months, for a year in Ecuador, reading this today, God has spoken directly to me and I'm blessed as a result.

Thursday, 27 March 2008


We've gone away for a few days. I'm listening to Ian's new ipod (he has finally got round to buying one). He has over 3,000 songs on it at present. I can't begin to imagine how something this small can contain such beautiful music. It's kinda mind blowing. It makes me think we are all so small and yet unique and complicated beings. God longs to fill us abundantly with His love, so that we can show it to others. That's the reason why we exist. I pray that He will ignite the spark afresh within me as I rest this week and recover from the flu so that I will want to do nothing other than serve Him with all of my heart.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008


Jon has spent quite a long time today working on a pastel wall hanging for a friend's birthday.The colours are lovely and warm- orange and yellow and the verse which adorns the plaque stands out vividly in black and white.
The verse explains how no matter what language we speak or from what nation we come, everyone has to bow before Jesus one day.This is something we all have in common.
It states-
"Salvation belongs to our God".

So let's all get to our knees and receive the blessings that are waiting in abundance for us.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008


My little nephew is spending this week being potty trained.He's got a star chart and I have to say it's all going very well.He's an intelligent little fellow and seems to be catching on to what's expected of him quite quickly.It seems no time since he was a baby and now he talks ninety to the dozen.Every day he's learning something new and it's exciting to see this little sponge soaking up new information.
It's a bit like this with us as we try to walk the Christian path every day.I feel God is teaching me more and more and showing me how to be patient as I wait for His will for my life to be revealed.It's only when we look back over past experiences that we see God at work in our lives and realise that any trouble we feel we have experienced has only been there for a brief season.
Let's remember the most important Easter words,
"It is finished".
John.19.30. What a blessing! Let's go forward in the days ahead in the knowledge that "The battle has been won."

Monday, 24 March 2008


The boys both decided to clean out their rooms today.Needless to say I was delighted.There's only so much I can do from week to week, but the real clearing out had to come from them.They were both thrilled with the results and proud to call me in for an inspection.I think secretly they both wondered why they'd left the job so long, but of course you have to be in the mood to turn a room upside down and decide to throw out things which you've hoarded for years.
It's the same with our lives.No-one can clear out all the rubbish except ourselves.We have to take the decision to get rid of things which cloud our vision and take the place which we know that Christ should occupy.So let's spring clean and give Christ His rightful place this Easter time.

Sunday, 23 March 2008


Easter Sunday is here at last.The cross is empty and the throne is occupied,Hallelujah!
We were able to sing so many joyous Easter hymns and worship songs in church today, which filled our hearts with the wonderful message of Hope in The Risen Christ.
I pray that people will not just see Easter as a time to rest from work and an excuse to over indulge in chocolate eggs, but that they will see beyond this to The Risen One who offers us all forgiveness of sins.May you have a blessed Easter wherever you are and whoever you are with.

"See what a morning gloriously bright,
With the dawning of Hope in Jerusalem,
Folded the grave clothes,
Tomb filled with light,
As the angels announce Christ is risen!"

Saturday, 22 March 2008


I was grieving again today, as I was at yet another sad funeral.I can now count five of my dear friends who have all lost their fathers in the last couple of months and the pain is so hard for them to bear.As we draw close to Easter Sunday, let's put our complete trust in The One who chose to take all our pain.Let's draw near to the cross.I've just been reading-
"The horizontal beam symbolises the breadth of God's love; the vertical beam symbolises the depth and height of His love."

Let's focus afresh on John.3.16. and be blessed when we realise just what God's love can mean to us!

Friday, 21 March 2008


Today is Good Friday, the day when Jesus took the sins of the world on His shoulders.We had a very reverent service in church when you couldn't help but be spoken to by what was said.We watched an audio visual DVD based around the song-
"How can you refuse Him now?" and I went home thinking those very words.Over the last ten days our little home village has been badly shaken by the death of four of its inhabitants and I can't help but think, What more will it take to bring people to their senses?
I feel blessed that God has touched my heart today in a real way and I pray that others will respond to Him too this Easter.If only folk would realise that nothing else matters except our relationship with God!

Thursday, 20 March 2008


The Queen came to our local city of Armagh today.It was a very special occasion and many people had been getting ready for this visit for quite some time.One of our little pupils was singing in the cathedral choir and had rehearsed so much, he would have preferred to have been involved in the Easter egg hunt at school instead. I suppose that makes a lot of sense when you're only eight or nine and can't quite see what all the fuss is about.New hats, new coats, fresh paint everywhere - it was all simply the order of the day.I even spoke with a friend who saw Her Majesty drive past along the road, simply by chance.You could see she was visibly excited, and why not?
I couldn't help thinking about the entry of The King of Kings into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.What a contrast!I wonder what it would be like if Jesus were to come back here today?How would He be welcomed?What time would people give Him?As we begin to reflect on the meaning of Easter, this Maundy Thursday, let's ask ourselves just how important Jesus is to each of us.
What a blessing tonight to know that He can do for us what no-one else can ever do."He can forgive our sins.He canceled the debt, which listed all the rules we failed to follow."
Colossians 2.13-14.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008


They're having a charity Easter egg hunt at school today.Ian has put a lot of work into the organisation of everything and the children will have a ball looking for 700 little eggs.I was awakened a few minutes ago by a stream of really strong sunlight beaming in through the bedroom window.I felt so blessed. It was like God was reminding me gently, that He was in control of everything.The room lit up and I could feel the warmth around me.We really needed good weather for the event today and there it was, just perfect.
Ian reminded me last night of the words,
"Our God is an awesome God,
He reigns from Heaven above".
He discussed at length with me how while listening to the song he was struck by the fact that it states how God reigns "from Heaven" above and therefore is concerned with every little detail down here on earth.I'm immediately starting to feel a good bit better.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008


We're getting ready for a special evening in church on Friday night.It is completely centred on the cross and as a family we've been finding so many different worship songs which mention "the cross".The words are very powerful and challenging.I suppose with this in mind it's no surprise that I'm still off school, laid low with flu.I believe the devil is very subtle and will try to do everything in his power to keep us down.He prowls around like a roaring lion.
But immediately I'm reminded of the words I've quoted before-

"Greater is He that is in us,than He that is in the world". I've no doubt in my mind whatsoever, that Good Friday will be a real blessing to us all!

Monday, 17 March 2008


The boys are home from university for Easter and somehow you'd think a bomb had hit this house.There's "stuff" everywhere, just abandoned. But, hey, it's great they're home and it'll all get sorted by and by.The birds are starting to build outside and we're all in the mood for a good spring clean.I'll get into that when the virus shifts.For a Saint Patrick's Day, the weather is absolutely beautiful, even though it's only March.I think today of missionary friends I know and thank God for their clear vision and sense of calling.I feel blessed that we share a special friendship and know without a doubt, that from listening to their story and how God is clearly using them, it challenges me to desire to serve God in a new and special way.

"Go out into all the world and preach the gospel".

Sunday, 16 March 2008


I have to share a bit more from Brother Andrew as I feel it will be of encouragement.I've been laid up today feeling miserable and achy, but his words keep coming back to me. He said when he was laid up for a really long time many years ago, while lying on his back, he couldn't help but look up that's the natural thing to do. It made me think that God allows everything to happen to us for a reason and He teaches us much, especially through the painful times. Brother Andrew also said that it's impossible to say "God" or "Gospel" without saying "Go" and he encouraged us to go all out for God, through complete surrender to His will.
I'm blessed to have heard those words today and pray that they'll encourage you in whatever situation you find yourself in.

Saturday, 15 March 2008


I've been watching Brother Andrew on the God Channel(most stations I can't stay tuned to for more than a minute, as they're simply asking for a huge donation or trying to sell me a prayer hankie etc).But I was blessed as I listened to the pearls of wisdom spoken by the famous author of "God's Smuggler".He said he lived his life by applying the words of the psalm corresponding to his age to help him in his daily walk.I immediately felt blessed by this as the psalm for me at the moment is Psalm 46.(I know I've given my age away but in such a good cause).
"God is a very present help in trouble". I'm feeling run down at the end of a busy term with aching body and sore throat yet again and then in such a positive way God immediately encourages me. Why not look up your psalm, you'll not be disappointed!

Friday, 14 March 2008


Everyone who had a manageable pet brought it to school today.It was an information morning to round off the topic work done in Science over the last month. A vet was present to discuss ailments and we all learnt so much.The children talked about their pets and it was obvious how much they were loved and cared for.I found out things like when a goldfish needs medicine and so on.I'm sure you never thought of that one.I was very impressed with the vet.Nothing was too much trouble for him, he had time for every child and carefully answered their questions.His knowledge was deep and he was passionate about his job.
I was pleased that the day was such a success, and struck by the affection shown for pets.I would definitely recommend the activity, as long as it's carefully managed to keep chaos at bay.
I keep telling my class that I'm learning new things every day even at my age. Sometimes when you're seven you think your teacher knows all there is to know.I keep on asking Jesus each day to teach me more about Him as I've so much I yearn to know.I feel blessed when He reveals something more to me.
"I want to know Christ and the power that raised Him from the dead." Philippians 3.10.

Thursday, 13 March 2008


Today I went to visit a neighbouring school which had just built a state of the art extension.It was wonderful, with so many exciting new resources.The colours were striking and you couldn't help but admire everything that caught your eye.Yet as we were leaving, the headmaster in charge, my friend and myself agreed that it really wasn't the fabulous building which mattered, it was the people inside it and what they were learning on a day to day basis.
Our churches can be like this too sometimes.People get carried away by the building and see it as a place purely to develop their social life.God cares about who is inside these places and the reason why we're all there.I pray that I'll always go to church with the right heart attitude and remember I'm there to learn more about my Heavenly Father.
I feel blessed that always, after hearing the sermons in our church I am so glad that I've got myself out on a Sunday morning.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008


I've had a difficult day today.There seemed to be nothing only interruptions and constant matters to deal with which I had not envisaged.Sometimes school is a bit like that and it's hard to concentrate on teaching a class when suddenly unforeseen circumstances arise and you feel yourself being pulled in all directions.I'm shattered tonight as a result.I suppose one thing about the job of a teaching principal is that you never know what a day will bring and today falls into that category alright.
Then a bit of sunshine came tonight, as both of our boys caught up with us by phone to tell us about their week so far.I was blessed to hear of their involvement in church worship and one was heading off to lead a bible study.God clearly let me know right then that the issues which had concerned me earlier in the day were over now,I had to let go of them and He was longing for me to "be still" in His presence.
It's amazing how our minds can become all consumed with things other than God and it can happen so easily without us realising it.I believe it's important to do our jobs well and to glorify God in our workplace, but it's also important to know when to switch off from work related issues and focus clearly on Him alone.Remember, the devil is only too happy to keep us constantly distracted!

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


A little boy in my class brought me in a beautiful bunch of flowers.This was a totally unexpected gift and I was really touched.I felt I didn't deserve it and as I recalled I had only been doing my job.Sometimes encouraging things like that come on the back of a "knock" or a problem that we have been struggling with.I'm blessed that God encourages us through others at always just the right time.
I'm reminded in the run up to Easter of the greatest gift of all,the gift of God's only Son, dying for us.This is something we don't deserve but praise God all we have to do is accept it and open the door to all the blessings that God has in store of us.

Monday, 10 March 2008


Last night when I got in from church I checked our phone calls and found a number had called, so I rang back, still none the wiser when the gentleman on the other end told me his wife would call in a few minutes.But when the call came through I immediately recognised the voice on the other end as someone I'd trained with at college many years ago and we had so much to catch up on.It was indeed just like time stood still as we were able to chat so comfortably together.But I realised why during the call.You see God was in it all.We talked about the direction our lives had taken and how our children were doing and so on.We talked about how when we looked back over the years, we had so many blessings to thank God for.
I felt pleased when I came off the phone because making the contact real again after all those years was so easy.God knows exactly what He's doing when we suddenly think of someone.Why not make that contact you really want to tonight, because when God is in it all, then you know it must be right.

Sunday, 9 March 2008


I just looked at a flip over daily calendar on the desk and a verse with the heading-
"When God whispers your name"appeared before my eyes.It was-

"The true children of God are those who let God's Spirit lead them" Romans.8.14.

I've said before on many occasions, that for years I "called the shots".I tried to map my life out the way I wanted things to be and in many ways I came up against no major obstacles really.Then when illness of parents and death clouded everything, God clearly showed me who was in control.I feel blessed that He gently whispered my name and encouraged me to hand everything to Him which Idid without hesitation.Our minister preached so powerfully on The Holy Spirit this morning, reinforcing the fact that The Holy Spirit exists to bring glory to God.May we all hear the whisper today and seek to exist to bring glory to God!

Saturday, 8 March 2008


This evening I walked into Jon's bedroom to give it a bit of a tidy as he'd just left to go to CE and then back to his student house in Belfast.I was deep in thought as by now he's been accepted to go to Equador in July.I turned to face his wardrobe and noticed a poster stuck to the door.He'd been working on this with pastels this afternoon.It said--

"To the faithful,You show Yourself"-this comes from Psalm.18.

I was really spoken to.I pray tonight that God will keep me faithful in everything, so that I may be of use to Him.If you love God and seek to follow Him,remember that if you feel at a standstill tonight,stay faithful and be expectant because He will reveal Himself and His will for you in His perfect time and not a second before.

Friday, 7 March 2008


I was discussing some bible passages with my class today about the lead up to the Easter events.One little girl brought her children's bible up to my desk and it was opened at the passage about "Washing the Disciples' feet".She insisted that after I read it out loud I had to ask and answer the questions on the other side of the page.They were-

"Why did Jesus do this?" and
"What will we do to serve others?

I was really touched by this event this morning.I felt God speaking to me through the simple act of this little girl.I was immediately challenged about my service for Him.I thank God that He speaks so directly into our lives when we are open to His call.I thank Him also tonight for little children and how they can so mightily be used to touch hearts.I am blessed when I remember that I came to know Jesus as my personal Saviour when just a child and hope that we never under estimate the sincerity of "childlike" faith.

Thursday, 6 March 2008


A few of us met up this evening at church to have a time of praise and worship. We sang the following song.I just have to share some words with you as they speak for themselves and have truly blessed my heart tonight.

"There is a hope that burns within my heart,
That gives me strength for every passing day;
A glimpse of glory now revealed in meagre part,
Yet drives all doubt away:
I stand in Christ,with sins forgiven;
And Christ in me,the hope of Heaven!
My highest calling and my deepest joy,
To make His will my home."

Be blessed!

Wednesday, 5 March 2008


This evening I chatted to a friend in America on the phone.He hadn't been feeling that well lately but was very upbeat nevertheless.He felt that in his short spell in hospital God had been teaching him so much and I was blessed by how positive he was about everything in life.His enthusiasm for God was definitely infectious and I felt the benefit of the phone call.It made me realise that as christians we should give off these positive vibes to everyone we meet and maybe then they'd see that we had something in our lives worth having.
So, in the words of Matthew 5.v.16. --

"You should be a light for other people.Live that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in Heaven."

Tuesday, 4 March 2008


We're designing and making our own little brands of pet food in my primary 4 class during Technology time at the moment.There is such a buzz in the air and the children are working hard and thoroughly enjoying themselves at the same time.They are following their plan,working together,cutting, sticking and generally making their pet food look attractive to the eye.Some have even used their advertising skills, by offering "buy one get one free", or "a free pet toy" and so on.One little girl asked me today if the end product would really be on sale on a shelf at Tescos, so strong was her belief in what she was doing.
It made me really think today, how enthusiastic am I about my love for my Saviour?Is it as strong today as it was when I first came to know Him? Does it permeate every part of my being?Does it move me into action?I feel blessed today to sense God telling me to be really enthusiastic about Him and no matter how ill-equipped I feel I am, I know with His help, He can still use me!

Monday, 3 March 2008


If you have missed my blog over the past few days you'll realise that I've suddenly written five in a row.I apologise for this but as last Thursday was a very stormy night our phone lines and internet access have been out of action.I still hand wrote my daily blessings and am pleased that everything has been fixed and is back to normal this evening.I don't like being out of touch and routine is a healthy discipline.It would have been easy for me to just stop writing "365 Blessings" but I made a commitment to God to do this and I will honour my word.We can let things slip so easily and without realising it, our quiet time has been replaced with more TV.Then our prayer time has been replaced by a lengthy gossip on the phone etc.I'm not perfect for one moment, but I am conscious of these things in my own life and have to work hard at keeping the access lines open, otherwise I so easily fall out of touch with God who is my lifeline.I'm blessed that God uses everyday things to teach me that I need to stay in constant fellowship with Him in order for me to grow more like Him.

Sunday, 2 March 2008


Today is Mother's Day.I got spoiled.I had breakfast in bed and lunch made for me along with presents of some beautiful flowers and my favourite chocolates.I was made to feel truly special,as hopefully all mums everywhere will feel today.I'm blessed to have two boys and I pray that as a mum I will always be a special influence on their lives.I love to surround them them with love and my eyes always light up when they come home at weekends.
I know a mother's love is very special and I'm blessed to still have my mother.But let's remember that God's love for us knows no bounds.It surpasses all human understanding.May it comfort you today if you feel sad because your mother is no longer with you, or if for some reason you are unable to enjoy this special day.

Saturday, 1 March 2008


This evening I came into the house to smell the rich smell of something baking.Youngest son,Jon,had just finished making chunky white and milk chocolate brownies for his friends.It took him an hour to follow the detailed recipe and they were very "rich" in flavour.Just a tiny bit would suffice,I thought.Too much would not be good for us.I then read my "Bottomless Blessings"calendar verse for today.It said in the words of Psalm 34v8-"Taste and see that the Lord is good".I realised that we need to feast on His word,not just try a little bit.It's only as we search the scriptures that we allow the blessings to truly flow.