Tuesday, 12 February 2008


Today the doorbell rang.It was a welcome visitor, a godly man who has visited school for years to inspect the teaching of RE.We'd said in passing lots of times that he must drop by and now find it special that today should be the day.Ian and I had just shared the bible reading about God clothing the lilies of the field and how we shouldn't worry about what tomorrow will bring and then the doorbell rang.We all sat and talked endlessly.We had so much in common because we all know what is feels like to suffer bereavement and be left with the pain of emptiness.Yet several times in the conversation this gentleman mentioned the HOPE we have in Christ.It really blessed my heart today to focus on different things that he said,which we could apply to our own lives.
Last night I asked God to reveal a little bit more of His will to us and I feel so encouraged tonight that He should send a messenger, someone who'd never been in our house before, to come and minister to us so clearly.

"Ask and you shall receive". Do we really ask believing God will answer? Why not try it,today.

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