Monday, 25 February 2008


I'm working on the topic of studying "Pets" with my little primary 4 class at the moment.They're all getting excited as we hope to have a "Bring your pet to school morning" in a few weeks time.I was really surprised to listen to a report on television tonight, which stated that in the UK at present, pets are more popular than children with certain couples.There are seventeen million and people are opting nowadays to care for a pet.They even allow their pets to control the house to a certain extent and lavish really expensive gifts on them.We only have to look at celebrities to see that a pet is now the most popular fashion accessory of the moment.This is a bit extreme don't you think? I love pets and all the joy they bring us, but we have to feel sorry for the ones who suddenly get left out in the cold or abandoned because they are just too much work or bother.
It's good to know that God will never leave us or abandon us.He tells us this 366 times in His word, the Bible.What a blessing!

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