Monday, 11 February 2008


Today was another beautiful day.Sun streamed in through my classroom window and outside there was a freshness and slight warmth in the air.This evening as I drew the bedroom curtains across, I was mesmerised by the wonderful starry sky.The night was so clear and the stars twinkled so brilliantly. It made me think of God.
Psalm.19.v.1 states- "The Heavens tell the glory of God".
When we look up into the sky we marvel at God's handiwork.We can get truly "lost in wonder, love and praise".
How blessed I am tonight, to think that a powerful God who could create all things far beyond my understanding, should care to be interested in me!

"You alone are the Lord.You made the Heavens, even the highest Heavens, and all their starry host".Nehemiah.9.6.

ThankYou, God that I matter to You.

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