Friday, 29 February 2008


The missionaries from France came to visit school today.These were the ones we sent Christmas gifts to.We were excited to meet up with them and hear about their work.It was wonderful to listen to their various stories of how everyday events created openings for them to share the love of Jesus with people who had never before heard anything like this.We sometimes take it all so for granted nowadays because many of us have grown up steeped in Sunday School and so on. We all felt so blessed in school to realise that God is very much at work all over the place and far beyond our own wee village locality.We must not limit God.He is able to do exceedingly more than we could ever imagine.So let's make a big effort to reach out and share God's love with others, it's something that needs to be spread!

Thursday, 28 February 2008


I finished the story of Gladys Alyward in Assembly this morning.We talked about her job as a foot inspector and the opportunities that gave her to talk about God.We followed her remarkable journey from prison riot to the "inn of the sixth happiness".I told the children that some day maybe even one in our assembly gathering might follow in the steps of Gladys and choose to tell others about God either here or abroad.
I felt blessed today that we have the freedom to talk about God in our schools in such a real way and I pray that this will not change.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008


I played lots of different types of music to my senior class this afternoon, explained the different eras they came from and how they were so popular in their day.When all mixed up on the chalkboard the children had to try and match the dance style to the decade while listening to track after track on cd. They had lots of fun but I soon realised that most of the music was way before their time.It struck me just how much musical styles have changed over the years and very little nowadays stands the test of time.
We're blessed tonight,however, to know that Jesus never changes.He is still the same, yesterday, today, forever. He's the "real thing".

Tuesday, 26 February 2008


I told the children in Assembly this morning a little bit more about Gladys Aylward.I was struck as I read, that as a little child, she really disliked the fact that she was small of stature and had dark hair.It wasn't until years later, when she started her missionary work in China, that she realised how easily she could fit in with the people around her, because of her height and colouring.It all made sense to her.Everything she was and had experienced to date was God preparing her for the plan He had for her life.She then was able to rejoice in this.
Tonight, we are blessed to know that the same is true for us.Even when we can't make sense of things or feel that we are at a standstill, we need to remember that if we trust in God, then like Gladys it's all preparation for what is to come.Let's be content to rest in the knowledge of this tonight.

Monday, 25 February 2008


I'm working on the topic of studying "Pets" with my little primary 4 class at the moment.They're all getting excited as we hope to have a "Bring your pet to school morning" in a few weeks time.I was really surprised to listen to a report on television tonight, which stated that in the UK at present, pets are more popular than children with certain couples.There are seventeen million and people are opting nowadays to care for a pet.They even allow their pets to control the house to a certain extent and lavish really expensive gifts on them.We only have to look at celebrities to see that a pet is now the most popular fashion accessory of the moment.This is a bit extreme don't you think? I love pets and all the joy they bring us, but we have to feel sorry for the ones who suddenly get left out in the cold or abandoned because they are just too much work or bother.
It's good to know that God will never leave us or abandon us.He tells us this 366 times in His word, the Bible.What a blessing!

Sunday, 24 February 2008


Today in church we had a "Missions"Sunday.I found it very moving and challenging.We saw many slides and one in particular caught my eye.It was full of smiling african children, with the caption above which said "ThankYou God for Your abundant blessings".I thought of how little they had and yet they were so grateful for everything.My son Jon told me the very same thing after he returned from a summer missionary trip to Mexico.Ye know I'm so aware that sometimes we forget to "Count our many blessings and see what God has done" and is continuing to do in each of our lives.
If we did this more often we too would be constantly beaming from ear to ear.

Saturday, 23 February 2008


On Thursday evening Ian and I drove past a certain house and noticed an ambulance parked outside.We didn't know the occupants but realised that some poor soul must be ill enough to require medical care and that usually meant leaving the security of home for hospital.We recalled times when we had both been in that situation regarding our own parents.
Today I drove past that same house again and this time a hearse with a coffin inside was parked outside.That same poor soul was returning home for a brief time, to leave again, this time for the last time.It had quite an impact on me.I asked the question,"Are we ready to leave?"I'm blessed to recall the moment I committed my life to God, but I wonder if I'm really ready to leave this life right now should God choose to call me home.As christians we ought to live in the joyful expectation of going to be with our Lord at any time of His choosing.


Friday, 22 February 2008


I'm delighted that Jon is feeling so much better at last and now strong enough to look forward to his interview for Equador.Although I feel happy for him, as a mummy I have to come to terms with the fact that if things go according to plan, he'll not just be an hour down the road next year.Some time ago Ian and I handed our boys over to God and continually pray for His guidance on their lives, but I suppose truthfully , we didn't expect Him to call one of them so far away in his twentieth year.But with God all things are possible and we must simply "let go and let God".Isn't it exciting and a blessing for us all tonight to realise that God can do way beyond what we could ever imagine, if we are prepared to put our trust completely in Him?


Thursday, 21 February 2008


Our youngest son is preparing for an interview on Saturday.He's due to take a year in a spanish speaking country as part of his university course and he feels God calling him to assist with "The extreme walk", a church planting programme based in Equador.He is mentally preparing himself, as he excitedly told me he was enjoying having prayer and quiet times-purely in spanish.Yet this week, he's been laid up in bed with a bad viral infection.He's got quite down as he's had to come home from university and simply rest.
It's funny how every time you really desire to go deeper with God an obstacle will most certainly try to block your way.But as we chatted this over, we both felt blessed to know that the victory has already been won and though the devil may try to drag us down-"Greater is He that is in us".

Wednesday, 20 February 2008


I started reading a shortened version tonight of the story of Gladys Aylward.It's very exciting to see God's plan for her life enfold in His way and at His appointed time.I was struck by the fact that while on the train between London and The Hague, a dutch couple Gladys encountered, promised to pray for her every night at 9:00 as long as they lived, and later to meet her in Heaven.What a blessing that must have been to her.
God sends His messengers to comfort and encourage us and there have been a few occasions in my life when folks have said"I'm gonna start praying for you right now".I'm blessed tonight to recall those precious times when God knew my immediate need.
I hope that I'll be able to live as His messenger, tuned into the right frequency and able to discern the right moment to pass a prayer blessing on to others.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008


How good are we at making decisions?I find that as I get older it's more difficult.I'm happy to agree more readily with others over things like--going to a certain coffee shop,what to have for tea,what social evening to attend and so on.....I know these aren't major things and will probably not have an effect on others to a great extent.I'm about to ring someone shortly who was to make a big decision today and yet I know that we can advise and guide but generally the ultimate decision lies with the person themselves.

While pondering these things tonight I'm blessed to know that the decision I made years ago just before my thirteenth birthday to become a christian was not a difficult one to make.Isn't it wonderful that when God is in the decision then the process is never as difficult.We know we are in His will when we have peace of mind and He wants to be part of all our decisions, big and small.
Don't hold off making the most important decision of your life, you'll not regret it.

Monday, 18 February 2008


Today everything is shrouded in a blanket of white.It's difficult to see "your finger in front of you" as the saying goes.I'm glad that Ian is driving as we visit relatives, because this kind of weather makes me nervous in the car.We have to go very slowly and the trip takes twice as long to make.But I think of life and the experiences it throws our way.Sometimes we "can't see the wood for the trees" and can't seem to find a way out of the heavy cloud that surrounds us.Yet looking back from a sunnier view point, we realise what a blessing it is that we were brought to a walk instead of the usual gallop.God slows the pace,allows the fog to surround but not engulf us in order to teach us the important things in life and I'm grateful every day for that.
So we must not stay in the stale fog on the low ground, but learn to "see Jesus " and rise with a new vision of hope.

Sunday, 17 February 2008


I just finished reading a book called "Seasons of Womanhood" this morning.It takes you on a journey with various women all at different stages in their lives and facing different problems, which they are able to endure with God's help.I found it very moving indeed.I learnt early on in the book, that although it's wonderful to experience the mountain top times, it's in the valleys that God teaches us how to really walk closely and rely totally on Him.
Just as the eagle rises on the wind and uses the storm to lift it higher.We can use God's power to lift us way beyond our despair.
I just found my dairy for last year and here and there the word "sick" was frequently entered.I remember how full of grief I was after Dad died, and how weak physically.A year on, I'm able to look beyond the illness that robbed him of everything and remember the happy childhood times we shared.Tonight I'm blessed when I think of Isaiah.40.31, and urge you to hold this verse to your heart, if you are suffering at present.

Saturday, 16 February 2008


I watched the film"The pursuit of Happyness" this evening, starring Will Smith.It is based on a true story and I always love films like that.However, this one was quite unique in that, you found yourself wanting the main character to experience some positive things in his life.He did eventually, but not until the final few moments really.Ian and I found ourselves becoming quite sad throughout the movie, as the gap between rich and poor became more and more evident.It made me think that we have so much materially, and funnily enough, as I become older and gradually closer to God, these things become less important.I believe that God is happy for us to work hard and have what we need around us, provided these things don't get in the way of our relationship with Him.I've been reading a lot lately and on every turn of page I realise that if we pursue God then this will lead us to true happiness.

Friday, 15 February 2008


I've just heard on the television that a new film hits the cinema screens this weekend.It's called "Bucket List", starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.Apparently they make a list of everything they want to do before they "kick the bucket", so to speak.Morgan wants to do what's morally right, like help others, etc and of course Jack wants to fulfil his desires by kissing the most beautiful girl in the world.Maybe I've mentioned it before, but I've just read John Piper's "Don't waste your life" and it starts with an excerpt from Reader's Digest which talks about a retired couple collecting shells off the coast of Florida,not very fulfilling long term me thinks.I feel blessed tonight that God cares about me, that He has a plan for my life and I know that if I continually ask Him He will reveal it to me bit by bit.
The christian walk can be an adventure and I believe that if we follow God's impulses we can make a difference.I wonder what's on your bucket list!

Those who try to keep their lives will lose them.But those who give up their lives will save them.

Thursday, 14 February 2008


I was chuffed.I looked at my desk in school and there it was-a piece of fudge saying "I love you" sitting on a large red heart and the sender even revealed his name.He was only seven, but it seemed that I was special to him in some way.At least it felt like that for a while.Then I noticed a packet of fudge on his desk and a clear plastic bag containing several red hearts.I chuckled heartily, as I watched him gently set them one at a time on desk after desk.It appeared that he had lots of us to acknowledge on Valentine's Day.He smiled all day, clearly having fun with every new delivery.
Seriously though, we love it when someone fusses over us, or leaves us something special.We chatted about this in Assembly this morning and soon realised that flowers and gifts would be given out all day, but the qualities we really look for in someone special are the things which money can never buy.
I'm blessed today to know that Jesus is The most special One we could ever have as our best friend and we are all unique and very special to Him.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008


I was blessed today when I was phoned by a parent to tell me that a situation which had made her anxious was now ok. Another christian parent told me that she had been wakening up in the middle of the night with the former lady's name on her mind and had decided to contact her and have a long chat.I was delighted because I immediately knew that God was at work. I told her that it's a wonderful thing to be stirred in the night and feel God speaking to you. It's even better when you act upon it. It has happened to me at times in my life and I'm in no doubt that God was drawing very near to certain situations.We have no control over how people see us and what they think about us.We will never be popular with everyone no matter how hard we try.But before God, just like Samuel, we must say "Speak Lord I'm listening" and always try to put a wrong thing to right.

I pray tonight that God will continue to stir our hearts and that we will never miss the opportunity to move into action.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008


Today the doorbell rang.It was a welcome visitor, a godly man who has visited school for years to inspect the teaching of RE.We'd said in passing lots of times that he must drop by and now find it special that today should be the day.Ian and I had just shared the bible reading about God clothing the lilies of the field and how we shouldn't worry about what tomorrow will bring and then the doorbell rang.We all sat and talked endlessly.We had so much in common because we all know what is feels like to suffer bereavement and be left with the pain of emptiness.Yet several times in the conversation this gentleman mentioned the HOPE we have in Christ.It really blessed my heart today to focus on different things that he said,which we could apply to our own lives.
Last night I asked God to reveal a little bit more of His will to us and I feel so encouraged tonight that He should send a messenger, someone who'd never been in our house before, to come and minister to us so clearly.

"Ask and you shall receive". Do we really ask believing God will answer? Why not try it,today.

Monday, 11 February 2008


Today was another beautiful day.Sun streamed in through my classroom window and outside there was a freshness and slight warmth in the air.This evening as I drew the bedroom curtains across, I was mesmerised by the wonderful starry sky.The night was so clear and the stars twinkled so brilliantly. It made me think of God.
Psalm.19.v.1 states- "The Heavens tell the glory of God".
When we look up into the sky we marvel at God's handiwork.We can get truly "lost in wonder, love and praise".
How blessed I am tonight, to think that a powerful God who could create all things far beyond my understanding, should care to be interested in me!

"You alone are the Lord.You made the Heavens, even the highest Heavens, and all their starry host".Nehemiah.9.6.

ThankYou, God that I matter to You.

Sunday, 10 February 2008


I look around me today and I see signs of spring everywhwere.Another season has arrived.I await all it brings with enthusiasm.I love to see the new growth bursting forth and I've even heard Ian saying he'll get the lawnmover out.I'm at a new season in my life too.Our boys are both at university and although I love to have them back at weekends, I know they are grownup now and making their own decisions.I feel a constant gentle tug which always seems to be there and I know that it's the Hand of God telling me there's something more that I can do for Him.Years ago we used to sing a popular worship song of the day called "He is my everything" and for years, yes, He was my something, but not just everything.However, due to different experiences over the last few years, I realise that in order to really live as God wants us to, He's got to be our absolutely everything.I wonder what season you're at in your life?
I pray that for those who maybe read this today and can identify with me, that God will keep us contented as we wait for Him to reveal the next step of His will for our lives.So, until then, I feel blessed today that I keep experiencing "The gentle tug" and I will continue to keep myself available, as that's what I believe He requires of us.

Saturday, 9 February 2008


I couldn't quite take it in.There I was sitting in the car at the car wash today, just doing the mundane Saturday routine thing and all the while I was being entertained.There must have been at least six assistants.There was music playing.They were smiling,whistling, singing along and generally being very pleasant to everyone waiting in the queue.It was a real production line.They all worked in harmony, no-one was standing around not knowing what to do next.All in all, the whole process looked rehearsed, it ran like clockwork and indeed I told them so, to which a few chuckled heartily.
It really spoke to me as I sat there waiting, my car totally immersed in a flurry of white.Do we as Christians, always try to work in harmony with each other?Do we even go about our daily mundane tasks with a smile, a whistle or even a spring in our step?
Let's think of Paul for a moment, bound in chains, writing a letter.It's Philippians I'm talking about.The treatise on joy.Immediately I feel blessed, as I've so much to be thankful and rejoice about.

Friday, 8 February 2008


I attended a course to do with my work today.I listened to the changes that would be taking place over the next few years.It started out to be what I would call "an ordinary sort of day".Then gradually as time progressed,I began to chat to the person seated beside me,someone who had been just a friendly aquaintance from time to time.During the coffee breaks we realised very quickly that we shared the same spiritual vision.It was quite exciting,as I believe that the purpose of us attending the couse was not only to be informed about updates in The Northern Ireland Primary Curriculum,but to really encourage each other in our daily walk as Christians.It blessed my heart and I felt happy and contented within when I was talking about spiritual things.I believe God leads us to conversations like this on certain occasions with folk that He is certain are of like mind.He knows exactly what He's doing and so often it's only when we look back over a period of time that we see evidence of His Hand guiding our lives.
I came home today uplifted and longing to "go deeper in my faith".
I've just read my daily passage for today and it says-

"When you yearn,He responds". Isn't that something to get excited about?

Thursday, 7 February 2008


A little set of books arrived in the post yesterday.They were sponsored by a person I'd never even heard of.I wrote a little note to thank him for thinking of our school and making the kind gesture.I picked one of them up and began to read it and quickly realised that"The little book of Discipline and Good Behaviour" had a wealth of information between its pages which could be used in Personal Development and Mutual Understanding classes and also Assemblies.When I searched deeper I found so much that I could relate to and decided to pass a little message on to the children in Assembly this morning.
I'm blessed today that I also have access to the most important book ever written.I've learnt over the past few years or so that it's only when I delve right into the scriptures, it's then that I enable God to speak to me.I pray that as a result of this,I will be able to pass the Good News on to others and that blessings will reverberate far and wide as a result.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008


Today I was aware that a few of the children in school, in different classes, were just not as happy as they ought to be.Their parents had to be phoned and problems discussed.None of which turned out to be about their school work, but other more complex issues.Sometimes we don't give children credit for the depth of their thinking.In fact, they are exceptionally good at sensing difficulties around them and as a result develop stomach upsets and so on.They are extremely sensitive and caring little individuals.
I feel blessed tonight to know that God has placed me in a position where I can reach out to young people and their parents and be involved in their pastoral care, listening to their concerns and trying to help understand their pain.
I'm reminded of the time in the bible where Jesus called all the little children to Himself.He clearly explained how important they are, by telling us-

"Theirs is the kingdom of Heaven".

So let's be careful as grownups and watch our actions, as everything we say and do has a profound effect on our children!

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


Today is Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday.We all love a pancake from time to time.Indeed, I made a few myself this evening.They were probably more like crepes than pancakes, as they were wafer thin instead of round and thick.Anyway, they seemed to go down ok.I'm just delighted they didn't flop on me halfway through the cooking process.It got me thinking about the different ways we can eat pancakes.I love them with a little caster sugar and lemon juice.You can have them with chocolate sauce, golden syrup, strawberry jam, raspberries, blueberries and so on, indeed anything at all that takes your fancy.You start off with the basic mixture, then you add whatever takes your fancy.
I'm blessed tonight to know that the the spiritual food which God gives me needs nothing added to it at all.

Monday, 4 February 2008


We're in the middle of school interviews this week and although I'm tired by this time in the evening, I welcome the opportunity to talk to the parents of the children in my care and discuss their progress.It's always easy when things are going well and there are no problems to address,but we all know that we don't live in an ideal world and often matters are raised which have to be delt with.I've learnt down through the years that it's not always what we say,but the way that we say it which leaves the lasting impression.I know a couple of people,who simply exhude God's grace in this area.If they told me I was wrong about my views on something I could accept it readily because of their gracious delivery.It makes me realise tonight that it's a blessing to be able to recognise God's grace in people we respect.
We ought to always speak in truth to others, even when we know it's going to be difficult.It's then that we can ask God for an outpouring of His grace, to help us deal with the situation.
Dear God,
We ask you tonight to help us never be afraid to speak the truth in love.We ask also for you to help us never to compromise with anything less.May we grow more godly in our daily walk with you,

Sunday, 3 February 2008


I just read a footnote to a daily reading, which said "Your day is coming. What the world has overlooked, your Father has remembered, and sooner than you can imagine, you will be blessed by Him".
What a word of hope on a rainy, dismal day.
I wonder who we really want to be praised by today?If it's the acceptance and praise of those around us, well it matters little and will not often ring true or be lasting.Sometimes people say what they think we want to hear and not what they really mean and sometimes their motives can be questionable and so on.
I've often heard it said down through the years, "Don't look at others, look at Christ".
He's the One who we should aim to please above all others and He will one day give us a crown which no-one can ever take away.So keep pressing forward your blessing awaits you.

Saturday, 2 February 2008


I overhead a lady talking to a loved one this morning on her mobile phone.I wasn't deliberately listening in on the conversation, but as I was right beside her and she was talking loudly and there was no-one else around, it was difficult not to hear what she was saying.She told the recipient not to worry, just because her son got a B instead of an A in a well known Northern Ireland end of primary school exam, that it wasn't the end of the world and he must not feel a failure.Words of wisdom I thought and we got to chatting for a few minutes.We agreed that parents put pressure on their children to achieve what they themselves maybe were unable to.It's sad that people feel the need to "keep up with the Jones".
What a blessing to know that with God there are no failures,as He takes each one of us just the way we are!

Friday, 1 February 2008


Today's visiting minister to school asked us what the wee man on the back of a Liquorice Allsorts packet was called.I simply hadn't a clue.In all my years of eating sweets, I can't say that these ones are anywhere near my favourites and indeed, come to think of it, I've never dreamt of reading the back of any sweetie packet.I just scoff the contents and go on about my business.
As I listened to the story of Bertie Bassett and the history of the Allsorts, I was interested and well informed.The minister went on to tell us, as you would imagine, that we are all different, yet equally loved by God.Yet in my own quiet few moments before starting class, I was reminded that inside God's word, there's so much that I still don't know anywhere enough about.I've taken certain passages and gained much from them, yet I still go on about my business, without delving further and further.Tonight, I pray that God will daily take me into new places in His word and reveal His truths to me, so that I will feed from the inexhaustable contents and find a sweetness I never thought possible.