Tuesday, 23 October 2007


A little child in my class was reading a story in his reading book about animals who thought they were just the greatest.The parrot had colourful feathers.The rhino had a wonderful horn.The elephant had a powerful trunk and the monkey had a long,strong tail and so on.Indeed,it wasn't long before they all realised that they all had beneficial things to offer others and it was impossible to choose who was the greatest among them.I couldn't help thinking as the child read to me that we act a bit like this in our churches when we engage in a variety of activities.It's so easy to get caught up in wrong reasons for our service.It's a blessing today, to realise that God does not rank us in order of our abilities.He is so pleased to see us develop the gifts He has given us in the proper way and must surely smile when He sees us encourage each other along the way.

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