Wednesday, 24 October 2007


I called with and aging aunt who lives quite far away.I phoned first to let her know I was coming,as it was getting late.When I arrived,I was made most welcome.She was so thrilled to receive a visitor.On the way home,I began to think how difficult it must be for folk who live alone,especially as we draw near to winter and all that it brings.There must be so many people who are desperately lonely for various reasons and not sure what to do about it.
A friend gave me this poem which is a source of comfort to those who are lonely.I hope that it will bless you today,as you read it or pass it on.

I feel alone,Dear Lord, stay by my side.
In all my daily needs,be thou my guide.
And when I'm feeling low,or in despair,
Lift up my heart,and help me in my prayer.
I feel alone,Dear Lord,yet have no fear,
Because I feel your presence,ever near.

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