Saturday, 20 October 2007


Today Ian cooked tea while I did the ironing.We wanted to get the chores out of the way before the big rugby match on television.He chose to make a prawn and mushroom dish that he knew I loved.Many years ago,I had a seafood encounter which left me with food poisoning for a week,in fact I was so continually sick that I thought I was going to die.However,it didn't put me off prawns completely.I put it down to a one off disaster and was prepared to move on.While enjoying my meal,I was reminded briefly of the experience and how as Christians we can so easily be put off by the actions of others who profess to follow Christ.I urge you today to look beyond your sad experience to the Christ of Calvary who sets the best example for us all to follow.I know that others have every right to look at how we live as Christians every day and if we ask for God's Blessing daily on our lives,I hope they will like what they see.

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