Sunday, 21 October 2007


Today in church the speaker chose to talk about the woman at the well.We were left with the visual image of Jesus sitting by the side of the well,asking for a drink of water.At the end of this wonderful encounter,she was left challenged and disturbed,as Jesus told her,
"Whoever drinks of the water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life".
What a blessing to know that Jesus chooses to talk to ordinary people like you and me and as He does,we're both challenged and disturbed.When we "tune in" to giving Him our attention every day,He shakes us up and there's no telling where it will lead.As we all start out on a brand new week,may God get the opportunity to reach our frequency,move us out of our comfort zone and as we respond,may we leave a Christlike impression behind.

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